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Status Updates posted by m14aria

  1. Merry Christmas everyone and have nice hollidays. :) and sorry for not being around and don't being in touch as well.
  2. Happy belated birthday Ritwick and have a good year. :)
  3. Hello there Willow, Happy belated birthday to you. :D
    1. 83Willow


      Hey Sweetie! Thanks a lot! :D
  4. Hey there, great works on armor conversations. Didn't saw them till tonight. Thanks. :)
  5. Hello there Dana. :D How are you doing? Hope you be well. Just passedby to say hi. :)
  6. Merry Christmas everyone and have a good year. :) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/374755 .
  7. Happy birthday Charlie and have a good year. :)
  8. Hey there, Happy birthday mr. Jonathan and have a good year. :)
    1. wolfgrimdark


      Woot! Many thanks for the birthday wish !
  9. Happy belated birthday Daniel and have a good year. :)
  10. Happy birthday Alex and have a good year. :)
    1. alexsilvestre


      Oh no, I missed this at the day :x

      Thank you very much Moein!

  11. First of all, sorry if i missed any status, it turn off rapidly as you know. :) And second, i just spamed many shots these days, here are best of those: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/312521 , http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/313417 , http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/313533 , http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/314741 , http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/315873 , http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/315903 .
    1. Ithildin


      Same dratted thing happened to me today. *growls*


      Spellbinding work with the whole collection, hon, certainly a feast for the eyes. My personal faves are all under the title "Elder Scroll", remarkable! <3

    2. Deleted6317247User


      Absolutely gorgeous images. Well done!
    3. m14aria


      Thank you so much, both of you i mean. :D
  12. Really love your shots Oshane, but i forget to check them. :D And happy belated birthday to you. didn't saw your profile on those days. :D
    1. shane12353


      Thank you so much Moein Aria,I hate to miss your fantastic work also,keep up the good work:)
  13. Happy birthday navid and have a good year. :)
  14. Happy birthday Beba and have a good year. :)
  15. Happy birthday Nataly and have a good year. :)
  16. Happy birthday Rosendaemonin and have a good year. :)
    1. Rosendaemonin


      Thank you very much. :)
  17. Happy birthday Janik and have a good year. :)
    1. KingUggi


      Thanks, bro :D
  18. Happy birthday Leyla and have a good year. :) (Nice pic btw. :D)
    1. Saerel


      Thank you Moein ♥
  19. Happy birthday David and have a good year. :)
  20. Happy belated birthday Carlos and have a good year. :) (Sorry for late, I wasn't around. :D)
    1. aisnor


      Thanks a lot, Moein :)

      Your congrats are greatly appreciated.

      A greeting!



  21. Happy birthday Andrea and have a good year. :)
    1. andreamkall


      Thanks Moein! <3
  22. Happy belated birthday and have a good year. :)
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted6317247User


      Welcome back! :)


      Those are some lovely guys I see here. :D

    3. m14aria


      Thanks Nighty. :)
    4. bison1967


      Glad you are back, m14aria! Extraordinary shots and colors, too! =)
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MissBasha


      Very beautiful!) Of course I liked your works before, but now imgs look amazing =)
    3. m14aria


      Thanks Daria. :)
    4. mythicdawnmaster
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