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The Hippie

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    United States

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  1. roundhouse kicked the plot fairy in the face for her efforts as a thankyou then...
  2. they would need to get chuk to surrender leading to ......
  3. they found bruce lee and got him to reawaken cthulu with bruce lee and cthulu there were no hopes of stoppin them from ...
  4. a wizard appeared who shot firey rockets out of his staff; the people asked what he was known as the sorceror repleied "... They call me ........ Tim" so tim saved marcus ...and fed him to his own ghosty wolves and so the people feasted on oragutans batwings pigs feet and breafst cereals when suddenly ...
  5. just finished reading natural selection by some guy another good book is Bif but its a comedy
  6. they went and destroyed ea and worked at sony annihaling "the man" from the inside as sony was taking over the world (duh duhn dahh) when...
  7. they bought ten trillion ps3s and exploded them all in front of walmart causing...
  8. just super mario bros deluxe (i finally beat it)
  9. dude elvis doesnt die man so i guess since im 14 im stupid right? haha psyche(see i can spell it) the stereotypical 14 yearold would be considered an immature not smart person(trying to be politically correct) not all 14 year olds are like that coughmecough
  10. dudes The Beatles Sgt. peppers lonly hearts club rolling stones blinded by rainbow pink floyd and for some difference the crimson by atreyu oh and Bowie and Frank Zappa metallica and a slight bit of more pink floyd and led zeppelin
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