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Everything posted by mazardous

  1. I think that sinding werewolf thing is a glitch cause i saw him just outside of whiterun near the battle-born farm and of course as i killed him in the quest i decided to kill him now and all i got from him was a pair of ragged trousers :(. anyway for my moment i actually have 2: so im running around the wilderness finding barrows and dragon shout words when i get to the top of a mountain. at this point a frost dragon swoops down deciding to nom on me (i was "fake levelled" from pickpocket and sneak, playing my stealth character) so i run into a shelter with a coffin in it. thinking i have a temporary shelter i ready for hit and run tactics on this dragon when the coffin burst open and out pops a, you guessed it, draugr death overlord. thinking im about to get f'd in the b i turn to run but this overlord decides hes racist to dragons and preceeds to bash on this dragon. after an epic fight the death overlord emerges victorious 2 hits from death leaving me to clean-up the scraps and get a free ebony weapon in the process. :) another time i find the rich couple and bodyguard heading to the wedding on my way to ivarstead. when i talk to them i get the option to threaten to kill them but i decide im a nice guy they can go on their way. so around 2 seconds later i regret this decision and decide to slaughter them. literally 2 minutes later i run into maiq the liar who then quotes me "maiq hears its dangerous to be your friend". classic.
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