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About Voodo1314

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  1. The best two I know are Race Menu: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/106418/? And Enhanced Character Edit (ECE): http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12951/? Both require SKSE. I personally prefer race menu but ECE has a greater choice of new sliders.
  2. There was someone working on something like this a while back but it didn't get very far. What is key is that you are not just re-colouring the current textures; each new piece needs to look like a certain piece made out of a certain material. Like this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/106418/?
  3. Thanks for the interest from voice actors! I am still on the search for someone who can create some teen-like skin textures! My plan at the moment is to produce a male and female teen which will be used to collect feedback etc. Will contact voice talents soon so we can get some recording done.
  4. A mod that I use called Deadly Mutilation gives a really satisfying finish to those big hacks of weapons! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34917//?
  5. Yep there is one! It has not been updated for a while but it features things like hair growth, development of diseases as well as skin textures changing as you age: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12968//?
  6. So, first update showing progress. Whilst testing some textures, it has become apparent that I need a someone with the skills to create teenager looking skins. My current textures are suitable for a young male but certainly not for a teenage male. My plea is for someone with texturing abilities who can help me!
  7. Teenagers In Skyrim Teenagers in Skyrim is an upcoming mod which will add teenagers into the world of Skyrim. Introduction I always dis-liked how in Skyrim there were only children who then suddenly grew into middle aged men and women. So I took it upon myself to create a mod which adds teenagers as if they were there in the vanilla game. They will walk around and interact with the world, other NPCs and the player as current NPCs do. You will be able to talk to them, get some information about them, their family, home town. I aim to make the mod seamless. Stage The mod is currently in early development. I have the race set up and am playing about with meshes and textures to see how they look in game and if they fit with the teenager look. So far the Nord race is the only one I am working on but once meshes/textures are sorted the other races will be done. I have some voice actors who are of teenage age at hand for some dialogue. Help I have most things sorted but I am not a machine. I would like more voice actors so I can get a good array of voices. Someone with texturing capabilities would be well received; the current skins I have are good but something better would be nice! Finally, your feedback. Do you like the mod? What would you like to see? What will make it the best mod? How can you help!?
  8. New Idea After searching for a mesher, a few members of the Nexus gave me links to some mods that will provide useful to make mine. Once I get permission to use these mods, work shall begin!
  9. Yes, could do with more voice actors to lay down some unique lines; I currently have a new approach so will write some lines soon. Thanks
  10. Thanks for the ideas! I believe I can accomplish this without someone with mesh knowledge. Any other ideas for the male teen body and texture? Just want to have a selection to decide between. Thanks again!
  11. I am currently working on a mod to add teenagers into Skyrim- in a lore friendly way as if they were in the vanilla game (original thread here: (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1002959-teenagers-in-skyrim-re-awaken-help/). I can work on everything to do with the Creation Kit but I need a mesher who can create a teenager looking body (or edit the adult one to look as if it belonged to a teenager). The current children are aged between 10 and 12 so the teenagers will be about 14 to 17. If you can help or know anyone that may be able to then please do not be afraid to contact me!
  12. I agree the Forsworn could do with some expansion. I would personally like to see more Dunmer with personal stories; the Grey Quarter of Windhelm was a bit of a let down. Maybe the same for the Argonians in Riften.
  13. Very good! Once I have someone to work on the meshes, I will start writing some stuff.
  14. New thread in signature! If you wish to offer voice acting or texture skills then get in touch there! Introduction After a while away from Skyrim, I have decided to work again on my 'Teenagers in Skyrim' mod. Last time, the mod failed for me since I could not get any help in meshing or texturing so I just brushed it aside and then became bored of Skyrim. Now with new enthusiasm I have decided to hopefully get my mod working and plea for help. The Plan My original plan involved scaling down the meshes but then I realised that teenagers are not going to be packed with muscle and fully developed. Therefore I decided I needed someone with knowledge of meshes to edit the current meshes/ make new ones fit for a teenager. Due to their age teenagers begin to look unique so face gen will also be available. Finally, with meshes sorted and all else done. I wish to integrate teenagers into Skyrim by placing them into families; they need to act as if they were there from the start. I Need: Someone who can work with meshes to create the body meshes and face gen. Clothes will also need to be sorted.A person who can sort the textures.Voice Actors.!Even if you cannot help yourself but know of another who may, please contact me! The original thread can be seen here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/875044-teenagers-in-skyrim/
  15. The Idea So, once the Dawnguard quest is completed you get the chance to ask Serana to cure her vampirism. She returns back as a human but still has the yellow vampire eyes and vampire clothing. Despite Serana now being human she still insists on wearing the hood and commenting on things as if she were still a vampire. Therefore this mod intends to change this and make the human Serana and truly human Serana. HELP I have most things sorted: a new look, clothing, spell list etc. (done so by creating a copy). Thing is I need it to be that when Serana returns it is Human Serana not Vampire Serana. Secondly, I can see no visible evidence for a script or similar to do with the hood. If any one can shed some light on this it would be much appreciated.
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