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Everything posted by snakedeshazer

  1. The link for The link for the skeleton is down, anyone know where else to get it?
  2. Hey, as my topic says, I am in desperate need of help in creating a custom sword. I have modded before but have only edited textures and such. I am trying to make a Combat Cross Sword, inspired by castlevania, I have a picture I edited in Photoshop, but being that I am n00b to this stuff I could really use some guidance with either blender or 3ds max. Please help, here is a picture of what I want to accomplish. Any help is great, I have looked at tutorials but cannot find anything on youtube that helps specifically what I want, at least not in the right program. thanks, -SnakeDeShazer
  3. Glad I am not the only one. Been having the same problem. Played for a few hours last night, no problem. Tried playing it tonight after dinner, nothing, same error. I guess I am going to turn off steam beta or whatever it is, and hopefully that will work.
  4. Just remember to add this under the ARCHIVE section of the SkyrimEditor.ini SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim-Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, HearthFires.bsa should work and load then. also make sure you include this under the GENERAL section for the same file bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 that should fix it.
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