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  1. Well I deleted all the climate of Tamriel mods and Realistic Lighting. Re-installed them. I THINK I changed the settings in CoT from "Torches Are Essential" to "Torches are Recommended" (I think I had it set to Essential earlier) and now the same cave are is looking like this: http://i.imgur.com/5HS8Sj8.jpg
  2. Afternoon. I am running RealVision Enb and most of the mods he recommends (all of the texture, overhaul, lighting mods). Link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30936// I have Climates of Tamriel set to "torches are essential" in the lighting category. I love the dark atsmopheres of caves and other areas and needing a torch. The problem is, when in a cave/castle, fires, laterns on walls, torches on the walls, and any other light source not coming from me (such as a torch equipped by me) gives off hardly any light what so ever. I really don't feel like fighting in an open room, with a bonfire, and have to use a torch in one hand in order to actually see my enemies. In cities (such as Whiterune) at night time, the fires give off plenty of light, such as this: http://i.imgur.com/0NX5EwB.jpg. The issue seems to be in caves, such as this: http://i.imgur.com/YPbay5D.png I also have my brightness set all the way down, but putting it at max brightness still doesn't increase the light the fires give off. If someone is familiar with this issue or mods/enb that I am using I appreciate any info you could provide. Thanks in advance.
  3. You mean Upgradable Breezehome and Home Map Markers? I'm not entirely sure what the second home mod is here to be honest with you. Upgradeable Breezehome and Dragons Reach hide out: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8197//.
  4. Hey there. I am horrible with mods and giving advice, so instead I will just repeat the best advice I received when it came to mods in Skyrim. I LOVE player homes. And when I started adding tons of mods to my game last year, I added about 10 player homes. I was constantly CTD'ing and posted asking for general mod help. Someone stated that running multiple player home mods really adds to the chances of a CTD. I removed all but perhaps two or three home mods, and viola, my constant CTD's stopped. I mention this because these two player home mods you have were two that I was using.
  5. Installing via Disc takes about 6-10 min. Installing from steam, 1-2 hours (not sure, each time I have just downloaded while watching TV or sleeping). These weren't updates btw, and I was connected to steam the entire time, including when installing from disc. Pretty much. Would install the game using the disc (while connected to steam), would eat up about 15 gigs of memory on my hard drive; then would just prompt the install menu again when I tried to start the game. I attempted to start the game from a desktop short cut, through the .exe in the installed folders, through auto run on the cd drive, and as an administrator. Each time the install window would pop up again. The reason I asked about the DLC in my original post was because I thought it might be possible that the new install menu popping up were the updates needed to play the game. But I went through 3 of these installs in a row (over writing the old files I presume as I didn't delete them after the installs), each one took about the same amount of time to install (about 10 min) so I am thinking it was just repeatedly installing the same information over and over rather than updating the content. Steam was/is installed and connected at the time of trying to install it via disc. And installing from disc is MUCH faster than downloading the game from Steam. To me that is a pretty big benefit of having the game cd. Steam was/is installed and connected, and game was verified. The game just wouldn't start. Instead of actually starting, it would just try to re-install the game each time. I am law enforcement; I don't believe in ripping off games, music, programs, or movies. I make enough money to purchase the things in life I want. One reason I like these forums so much: instant ban of people that confess to pirated copies of the game.
  6. I am looking at a Skyrim box case, with a Skyrim CD sitting in it right now. I paid $49 for it back in Nov 2011. Yes, yes there is a "CD version" of this game.
  7. This isn't meant to be rude, but don't have a better way to put it. I really have no idea where the confusion is coming from. I bought Skyrim originally as a boxed CD. I installed it from the CD, but instead of the game actually running after installing it, it prompted the installation options (which Drive, ect) again. I then had to delete the 3 times (overroad the files each time) I installed the game from the CD and downloaded it off Steam (which worked fine). Thanks for your input though. These forum posts helped clear it up for me. Apparently even with the CD Skyrim installs from Steam. There is a work around though: http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.aspx?m=1318656&mpage=1http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120122140925AA9Y71e
  8. Installed Skyrim via CD; then re-installed it: then again. Each time it wouldn't start and instead would just prompt the install menu it yet again. I am now in the process of downloading Skyrim through Steam instead; but for in case of future installation I would prefer to just to install from the cd (so much faster). Anyone familiar with this problem? Could this possibly be an issue due to Hearthfire, Dragonborn, ect, DLC that need to be downloaded? Thanks ahead of time.
  9. I just coughed it up as a loss. I COULD have just transformed into a werewolf each time after a load, but along with a Deadly Dragons mod glitch that left a 100% uptime "ice nova" spell being rained down on a small area in front of White Rune, I decided to just start a new game :( Man I hope that noise doesn't come back.
  10. At current time, I have about 120 mods installed. Running ultra settings, with ENB real vision + all its recommended mods/settings, and many extras. My computer is still running at about 35-60 fps (16gig mem, 680 gtx, i5 4.4 overclocked, Win 7 on a SSD). And load times are much longer (about 2-4x as long) going from loading screen to loading screen as when I last played (in December). I will try a game with no mods installed. I should have done that first tbh, but sometimes I am just massively oblivious to things. Thanks a ton for the quick feed back and responses. Much appreciated.
  11. Started a new game. These are the chests/containers in Helgen keep. Have nothing on my person even.
  12. I've installed many mods over the course of the last couple days and not sure if they are the cause of the delay. But the problem is every time I go to open a chest/container or my inventory and or magic screens, it takes several seconds for them to actually load. Last I played Skyrim was in December, with the same computer and never had this issue (always instantly loaded everything). Does anyone know any work arounds for this, or if any specific mods cause this problem? Appreciate all feed back, and much thanks ahead of time.
  13. And I am sorry, wrong choice of words. I reformatted all 3 of my hd's. Skyrim was installed on my SSD with my OS.
  14. Excuse me, bad choice of words. I reformatted all 3 of my hard drives. Skyrim was installed with Win 7 on my SSD. I also deleted all my mods with the reformat, and in the process of choosing new ones. Just REALLY surprised the save games were there.
  15. All my music, pictures, screen shots, documents, ect, have all been erased though.
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