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Everything posted by Bradmo123

  1. Hey, I am looking for a mod or mods that will add many items to the world and or dungeons that drop to fit around your level. These items should already come enchanted and upgraded on par with enchanting and smithing. Basicly, I am looking to beable to play the game without leveling enchanting and smithing but still get good items, just not quite as overpowering as enchanting and smithing buffs with alchemy and etc. Going into a dungeon or walking around the world seems so much better then sitting in town leveling crafting and being rewarded well for exploration is so much fun.
  2. 20 mods? It only mentions SKSE and Skyui for requirements to use morrowloot.
  3. I actually had better luck searching google then on the nexus. This "morrowloot" sounds about like what I am looking for. Going to give it a run when the Nexus site decides to come back up.
  4. Mind pointing me towards these mods? I have searched but I can't quite find what I am wanting. There are many armor / weapon mods but they only add a few items and a lot of times I feel they are a bit overpowered or they are low damage expecting you to upgrade them to insane damage with smithing. I am looking for items that are already enchanted and upgraded to a balanced state that drop in dungeons or just around in the world in general, not just a mod that adds a few cool looking items.
  5. Anyone willing to undertake this project? Am I the only one who finds this to be great?
  6. DUDE! This AI mod is exactly what I have been missing from my collection! More variety like this makes the game maintain it's challenge and avoid dullness of doing the same thing over and over. This mod will be great when finished but I wonder how those mages would react against illusion magic and sneaking because that's what I play, a nightblade type of char with backstab and illusion magic with calm, frenzy or invis in my left, and dagger in the right. The calm and backstab becomes quite an exploit like you mentioned that AI would avoid. Maybe traps created by the npc if he noticed his friend died by someone unseen. These traps could vary from damage to noise making or the AI could be smart by putting back into a corner, avoiding a sneak attack while setting up defenses around him with minions and any tanky npc walking around scouting the area. That would give the player something to think about :tongue:.
  7. Hi, I am requesting a mod that will add rare items in dungeons from mobs and chests that are comparable to fully upgraded in smithing and enchanting. I am tired of feeling like I am forced into doing smithing and enchanting, especially on master, and when you throw alchemy into the mix you become god pretty much. I want to go into a dungeon with the thought in my head "hey, I wonder what kind of badass items I might find in here" not "Im going to go in here and hope there is some ore and soul gems so I can level up smithing and enchanting" To me, the lucky rare items that will make it plenty viable to ignore smithing and enchanting would be nice, that sense of mystery and wonder needs to come back to games! The type of items dropped should depend on where you are at. If you are in a Dwarven dungeon then obviously the items should be Dwarven themed and so on. The mod should change enchanting and smithing a bit. Enchanting and smithing should be nerfed a bit all around so that nothing could be made better than the items you might find. Enchanting and smithing should still exist so that if you really want to spend the perks and time leveling it instead of actually doing fun stuff then you can do that to fill in the time between getting a good drop. Making the perk tree a bit smaller so you don't have to spend so many points would work well with this. These rare dropped items should not be able to be upgraded through smithing because they are already powerful enough. That's about it. I just feel like the sense of exploration, especially into dungeons is kind of gone unless you have a quest to do there that you likely don't even need to do because you could be doing smithing, enchanting, and maybe even alchemy on top of that if you want to walk around like a living god being so powerful it becomes silly. Quests do come to mind now, maybe add a chance for a few of these items to be rewarded in quests would appeal all the questaholics. Please, someone do this and make sure there are a LOT of items of all variety and they scale properly so that they don't make you godly or crappy. I would do anything to help if requested. I haven't messed with Skyrim construction set but Morrowind's I know how to make items and areas but no scripting or making any new models. I am not sure I would be great at the scale of items to level but I am sure I could throw in a but ton of items and someone else could place them properly. I have plenty of time on my hands and am eager to learn.
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