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I have fallout 4 safely stored on an external HDD along with my heavily modded Oblivion, Skyrim and Skyrim SE. I either used NMM or manually added mods. Create a folder on your external HDD called fallout4. In that folder create 2 more folders called Saves and AppD. Copy the Fallout 4 folder from C:\Steam\steamapps\common to your external HDD in the folder "fallout4". Copy the save game folder from C:\Users\**user name**\Documents\My Games(file called fallou4) to your external HDD and put it in the folder "Saves". This folder also has your ini files so make sure you copy the fallout4 folder and not just the saves folder. Copy the appdata files from C:\Users\**user name**\AppData\Local(file called Fallout4) to the AppD folder you created on your external HDD. This is your mod list/load order. You can not recreate your game without it. If you want to save NMM files as well copy the C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager fallout 4 folder the your external HDD. When you want to play your modded game again, install with Steam then copy over all the files. I stopped modding Oblivion in 2011 and Skyrim in 2016 but it is nice to reinstall them for a nostalgia visit. The strange thing is that when I stopped playing them they CTD all the time but with modern hardware they do not CTD at all.
When I get CTDs in the same spot it is always caused by NPCs One of the CTDs I get is when a Raider is in a settlement and jumps into power armor when I am detected. I now keep power armour far away from random enemy NPC spawns so there is a good chance that the Raider is killed before he/she gets to the armour. Glitched NPCs can do the same and if they are named NPCs they can ruin a save. I don't mod Sanctuary Hills for that reason other than Sim Cities. CTDs can also get into a save even though your mod setup is good. All you can do is test with a new character.
Stuttering FPS drop lag in game help
jones177 replied to nikolina2's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Fallout 4 is very hard to run modded. I use a 6 core 5ghz CPU and a RTX 2080 ti and my modded Fallout 4 is much harder to run than Assassin's Creed Odyssey set to Ultra. For me the performance tanks at about the same time as Automatron starts. The biggest hit in performance is not from textures but from NPCs and as your save get older the more NPCs there are in the game. Fallout 4 also does not like hard drives unless they are of the 10000rpm variety. My modded game is unplayable with stutter with even a WD 5tb Black and my older saves are not smooth unless the game is on a M.2 SSD. All you can really do is not build elaborate settlements with lots of NPCs. I started playing when the game came out and I still play my first character saves. As they got to higher levels they became full of stutter. I put them aside and started new character saves. When I upgraded my computer with a new graphics card, CPU or faster SSD I would play the old saves until they became unplayable again. I am starting on my 4th generation of character saves now and hopefully I will be able to revisit my older saves in the future. -
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35720 Is this what you need?
Before I bought a GTX 1080 ti I had to drop the resolution to 1440p on my 4k monitor to play this game, LE and Fallout 4 with the mods I like. I basically played at 1440p and did screen shots at 4k. What I did learn is that you can't see all the detail of a true 4k texture a 1440p. The game will not let you get close enough. If you us the console code "tfc" you can get close enough. At 1600p you can see the detail so 1600 pixels is what I like to use now since my games are still hard to run even with a RTX 2080 ti at 4k. I use a separate computer for ultrawide. I could run the same SE modded game on a 3440 X 1440 monitor with a GTX 1080 with 60fps everywhere. Since the performance of a Vega 64 is close to a GTX 1080 that is the resolution I would get. The only downside to 21:9 is that Skyrim LE does not like it.
Switch off screen space ambient occlusion.
It is fast travel that does it. It is one of the reasons why I use Survival mode now. My heavily modded Skyrim SE does the same type of thing so I don't fast travel in that either. It was never an issue with Skyrim LE. It did not happen in my game from 2015 to 2018 so it could be the amount of mods I use now or a change in the game. I have never started over so I have a good idea of how my game has evolved over time. I may try fast travel again soon since I have moved my game onto a 2tb 970 EVO. The extra speed is only felt in this game and maybe it can better handle the 380mb/s plus loadings I got fast traveling.
I had the issue a long time ago. It went away when I started using "Better Companions - No Conflicts" and "Unlimited Companion Framework" The only bug I get with Heather is that on some character saves her recruitment dialog does not come up. I does later in the game for some strange reason. Edit I am revisiting all the character save I created in 1015 and 2016. The bug does not seem to trash the saves since none have the issue now but they did when I stopped playing them.
One of the things that I have noticed is that Fallout 4 uses the same amount of vram at 4k as it does at 1080p. I was the same for Skyrim. Unlike a lot of games at 4k, Fallout 4 near distant objects are very sharp so I know there is no texture trickery going on. Fallout 4 at the time of its release was also the only game that I played that didn't need retexturing to look good at 4k. For example Witcher 3 looks about the same at 4k and 1440p because of its textures but Fallout 4 looks a lot better at 4k. The only revolution that comes close is 1600. Also Fallout 4 interpretation of textures is not good so as close as you can get to 1 to 1 the better. It is one of the reasons the game doesn't look good a 1080p and looks beyond belief good at 4k. Doing retexturing is a great way to start modding. I did it for MS Train Simulator back in 2001. That led to rewrapping objects in 3D Max and in the process learning a new program. I ended up using 3D max for a living and my edge was the texture work I did in games and sims.
jones177 replied to TR71777's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Hi I use lots of followers in Skyrim. I think I have over 100 installed. I have them because after a few large battles some become unresponsive and broken. I use MHIYH on them because most will still work with it after they become broken and they help flesh out the game. For Fallout 4 I don't use any of the vanila followers. I find them extremely annoying. The ones I use are as follows. T0-R1 Victoria Standalone Companion. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13610 She just shoots and keeps her mouth shut. She is also usually the first with a stimpack if my character goes into bleed out. Ellen - the cartographer. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15962 Ellen is a bit buggy while her quest is active but after it is over she is solid. Vex the Commonwealth's Best Knife Fighter. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15401 By the same author as Victoria, she will stop following if you don't get a stimpack in time if she goes into bleed out. She resets with a dismiss so not big deal. Servitron. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32801 These make great followers and help to make Automatron less pointless. Nora Spouse Companion. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24680 This follower can get a bit annoying but it does produce a copy of your female character as you originally created it. Heather Casdin. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23273 Heather is the least favorite follow I use for the simple reason she is not a good shooter. Veronica Santangelo. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27358 Probably my favorite with the NV voice files. I would like more followers but what I would really like more is for them eat and sleep like my followers do in Skyrim. -
I started out as a programer so I have a good idea how things work. Yes, it is the game engine but I learned years ago that you can overcome some of the limitations by brute force. Since my post I have been testing SSE with the 970 EVO. It has taken the slight I/O pauses that were put in by JKs Skyrim. I am already adding more enemy NPCs to my game since I have some load-in headroom. I have had powerful computer hardware since the 80s. I started out as a programer, then 3D animator and retired as a 3D designer. So it is sort of what I do(did). I have been doing this sort of modding since Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000. Add content, brake the game/sim. Add better hardware when available. Then add more content and brake the game. So almost 20 years now. I am still getting good results so I will continue.
Hi I have been playing Skyrim SE at 4k since it came out. At its heart it is a CPU game. To maintain 60fps with ENB plus Reshade it takes my 2080 ti overclocked plus my i7 8086k with 5ghz on all cores. With that the mods mentioned are not a problem. Those mods where a problem when I used an i7 6700k with a GTX 1080 ti. I/O is a big deal with this game as well. I just bought a 2tb 970 EVO. I got it for this game and Fallout 4. My vanilla games are fine with SATA SSDs but my modded bethesda games are not. After using it I know that SATA SSDs are not up to running old saves on a heavily modded game. My old saves are crazy hard to run though. Three hundred draugr in a dungeon cell is not uncommon and 60 plus followers using MHIYH in the Whiterun area is not as well. I do agree with COMBATFUN that a RTX 2080 ti is not enough. So I will be getting 3080 tis and 4080 tis for SE and RT. My i7 8086k is also not enough. It has the IPC for the level of modding I do in this game now but not for my Fallout 4 game and my future plans for this one. I need a CPU that can get a Cinebench single core score of at least 250. My i7 8086k and the i9 9900k have a score of around 219. So I need GPUs and CPUs that don't exist yet so I can add more content to my SE game. It least it will help with real time raytracing as well.
Onedrive can cause it. It happened to my Son. For some reason His My Documents folder ended up on onedrive and the game was reading that instead of what was on His hard drive. I had a similar problem when I ran the game at 2560 X 1440 on my 4k monitor. I had to change windows to 2560 X 1440 for it to work. This sort of thing is common with this game and Skyrim can be worse.
Hi A sad truth. Fallout 4 will CTD a lot on some hardware. I have my modded game on 2 computers. The only real difference between the 2 computers are their CPUs. One runs a stock i7 7800k and the other uses a i7 8086k with a 5ghz all core overclock. The both have the same mods installed. The i7 8086k computer gets no CTDs in any game started after the DLCs came out. The i7 8700k computer is CTD free until a save gets to around level 30, then it slowly gets more and more CTDs until the save gets unplayable. If I put the save on the i7 8086k computer the CTDs do not exists. Since the game is exactly the same on both computers it could only be a Windows or hardware problem. Next week I will update my 1tb SSD to a 2tb one so that will give me a new Windows install. I will also replace the i7 8700k. I did not win the silicon lottery with it. Fallout 4 will crash with any overclock I put on it, but it likes 5ghz on the other chip. The other thing I have learned playing a modded game since 2015 is that CTDs can get into a save. The only way to save the save is to roll it back before the CTDs started. That is why when a save is CTD free I do a named console save that I can easily recognize. I have had to roll back twice in 5395 hours of play. Fallout 4 is not load order sensitive like Skyrim. I have mainly modded it manually and the mods have only been put in the top or the bottom of the list if the mod author mentioned it. I also don't clean masters. I can't get less than zero CTDs.