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Posts posted by vforvic

  1. Not sure what item you are using, but remember OnEquip only works with items you can equip to a slot like Armor and only runs when you equip the item. If you want to attach the script to an item that you can only add to your inventory you need to use OnAdd instead.


    Glad you like the Mod. We never thought it would go this far. :) Hopefully we can get the newest version released and stable soon. Looks good so far.

  2. A lot to talk about here. This probably should be in the modding section where it would get more exposure to people who do more modding, but here is fine. I'll assume nothing so I will go over everything as if you did not know it.


    First let's talk about Texture Paths for Models (Meshes) and BSA's. By default all asset's in vanilla Fallout 3 look in their respective compressed BSA files on the hard drive SECOND...remember that. Meshes are in "Fallout - Meshes.bsa", Textures are in "Fallout - Textures.bsa" and so on. If you looked inside these compressed BSA files you would see the files are all packed inside their Data folder structure. So if you look into the BSA you would see the Holotag texture as "textures\clutter\questitems\holodogtags01.dds". Remember all Texture paths are automatically referenced from the Data folder so the path can start below that point. In other words you do not have to put c:\MyGames\Bethesda\...etc. This is why you see the path above start at textures\... The FIRST place Mesh files look is in the actual folders on the hard drive. So for the Holotag if you make a custom texture with the same name and put it in "textures\clutter\questitems\holodogtags01.dds" then the Holotag mesh will use the custom texture first. This is not the best way to do it though. It is best to use your own custom directory structure rather than the default path, but that is a whole other discussion. So in a nutshell when you look into the file structure of a default game of Fallout 3 you will see no Texture or Mesh paths with anything in them because Vanilla FO3 uses the BSA's.


    Next let's talk about what you are seeing in the GECK and why. So by default the Texture paths for Meshes are actually stored in the Mesh file itself and not in the GECK. If you used Nifskope to look into the Mesh, which is what I suggest, you will see the path "textures\clutter\questitems\holodogtags01.dds" for the Texture path...and a few other paths for other types of Textures I won't talk about. This is how the Mesh knows what Textures to use. So when you open up the Holotag you do not see the Textures listed because the Mesh is what is actually pointing to the Textures. The boxes you are seeing are for overriding the default path in the Mesh.


    So let's say in the GECK you go to "FFDCBrotherhoodDogtag" right click and say edit. You see where it says "model" and you hit "edit". "Model File Name" is where you can override the default Mesh used and "Alternate Textures" is where you can override the default Textures as defined in the Mesh itself. The Mesh override is straight forward because you just point to the new Mesh on your hard drive. The Texture though has to point to what is called a "Texture Set" which is defined in the GECK and a whole other subject. This is where the GECK is a little messy. If you hit "Edit" on the "Model File Name" it will clear the selection when you come back out unless you pick something. The thing is it will only show you the directory structure on your Hard Drive and not inside the BSA. You have to remember to hit "Cancel" when you come back out to the "Misc Item" box or the model will be blank now. This is a quirk of the GECK that can be annoying to say the least.


    I definitely recommend at least looking at the Nifskope page to look at Mesh files to learn a little more how things work.

  3. Trust me I'm no genius when it comes to scripting either. I use a lot of trial and error sometimes. :) You are right I missed that second & in the script. You are probably not seeing the script because it needs to be a Object script and not a Quest or Effect script to show up in the drop down. The script above was/is designed to be attached to 1 NPC reference in the world at a time. Every Editor ID would need it's own script with it's own Reference Editor ID used in the place of "NPCrefname". "NPCrefname" you would change to whatever Reference Editor ID you gave it in the world space. If you wanted to have the script work for 1 Editor ID, but for multiple references in the world of that ID it would be a bit more complicated.

  4. Interesting way to go about it. I thought that Actor Effect List was only used for special attacks tied to animations. Good to know it works otherwise since you never know when the GECK will make you do a workaround. :smile: You can still do it that way, but I think you would still have to do some scripting with a Quest Script to set a variable to be used as a AND Condition to use with the GetHealthPercentage <= 0.30 and even then you would have to find a way to set the variable. In the end I think it would be easier to just attach a script to the actor to apply the effect once if that is all you are trying to do. I think below would work adjusted for your naming.

    scn HealNPConce
    short DoOnce
    Begin Gamemode
    If NPCrefname.GetHealthPercentage <= 0.30 && DoOnce == 0
         NPCrefname.CastImmediateOnSelf HealSpell
         Set DoOnce to 1
  5. Not sure exactly how you are applying the effect, but depending on how you are making it all happen you could always put a typical "if doonce ==" thing like below.

    If NPC.GetHealthPercentage <= 0.30 & DoOnce == 0
         NPC.CastImmediateOnSelf HealSpell
         Set DoOnce to 1

    You can also put a "condition" on the "effect item" depending on how you have it implemented.

  6. If you spend enough time working with the GECK you will see lots of leftover "trash" and stuff from testing along with all kinds of notes in scripts about failed tests and some fairly humorous notes from one team member to another...or sometimes about another team member or even some directed at players. :smile: Yes the GECK does show "Sound" as a note type, but the fact it was never used anywhere in the game makes me think it was a failed process or at least one they found to be problematic.

  7. You are correct, it is confusing and takes some time to really learn. Even after you learn all about the GECK it is still confusing...when it's not being infuriating. :) I can't believe nobody has ever done the translation. I could tell you exactly how to do it and trust me you'll still be confused and probably become very angry. Can you tell much I love the GECK? :) Seriously though. If you just want the translation done you can PM me the translations and I can put it in easy enough for you. If you want to learn the GECK then that is going to take some time and effort.

  8. I do not have an exact answer, but I can throw some things out you might think about. Some of the following might be semantics, but I'll take what you said literally. You said "Sound" when I think you meant "Voice" when it comes to the Note "type." The GECK, as far as I understand, treats Notes that play sound as Voice files. Looking under the Notes there is only 3 true types that say "Sound" and they are not really used in the game, but look to be test files. All the Notes that are audio use "Voice" as the type and pull from Topics in Quests. Even though it sounds like you are using music and not voices you might still have to treat the music as voice files and set them up as such. Then again I might be totally off base here as sounds and voice work in the GECK has always annoyed me in how it works or more than often not works. :smile:

  9. If you look at Mini Hideout main page about half down you see a section on fixing crashing. Or you can type the following without the quotes in the console, ` (tilde) key, to take you to your Tenpenny suite. "COC Tenpenny03Player"

    Then to get back out, if it crashes when you try or want to walk out, type the following to take you to either Megaton or Springvale Elem School. "COC MegatonCommonHouse" or "COC SpringvaleSchool01"

  10. I guess some possibilities would depend on exactly who it was and what situation you are working on making happen. Without knowing specifics you could try giving said ref a token in their inventory and reference the token in the script instead of the ref of the actor. I guess it all depends on how specific this ref is in the game and how much leeway you have in adjusting the actor. You can always PM me more specifics you want.

  11. Part of the issue is there is close to 200 paintings in the FO3 world, but only 4 actual frames used. I think there might be 2 pictures per mesh frame, but even with 8 unique "paintings" you can see the possible issue with things getting very repetitive. Imagine seeing the Mona Lisa in almost every single building you enter. I have made custom paintings in the mod I work on and it is fairly easy to make happen individually. The issue is finding enough images you want to or can put into the world and making it work in a way that you do not see the same paintings over and over which would be just as annoying. It is a good idea, but could be time consuming to mod depending on how far you wanted to take it.

  12. Yea you can find all kinds of interesting stuff in the code. I often run across comments in the scripts from one scripter talking about another scripter in less than flattering terms. I've even run across one where a scripter was commenting about certain code being necessary because a smartA** player might not do as expected. :)

  13. The removing part is done in the Quest Scripts. In the Tranquility Lane Quest Script "MQ04Script" is has the code to move the players items to the container "MQ04PlayerContainerRef" once the Player gets in the pod chair.

    "MQ04PlayerContainerScript" is used to put all the items stored in the container "MQ04PlayerContainerRef" back into the Players inventory at the end of being in Tranquility Lane and being back in Vault 112.

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