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Everything posted by Infidel13

  1. It should be easy enough to do in NifSkope if you wanted to add a hood to it for your own use unless the author decides to post an official one.
  2. Here is a little story-line I written to entertain those looking for a horror mod. Hopefully a skilled modder finds this and decides to make this a reality. The skills needed to make this a great mod is quest creation, mob modeling, location creation, and addition of objects into the world. If you are interested read it here and let me know what you think: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start by finding a slip of paper scrawled really quickly so it is barely legible talking about some horrible monster that stalks you in your sleep. Reading that starts the quest and it tells you to return home. Any of the player houses would work. You walk around the house looking for something and find a note on the table that says "I know" or something. Quest then tells the player to go to sleep which he does unwillingly. After you lie down you are "teleported" to a dream state where you are in the same house you just went to sleep in but you lack your inventory and the house is completely empty except for the major furniture and there is a hazy purple glow over the screen. You walk around the house to find nothing so you try to go outside but you wake up and are teleported back to the real world with everything back to normal. Quest tells you to wait a few days. After two in game days the next time you go to sleep the same thing happens except you can go outside. When you open the door you see a flat barren wasteland as far as the eye can see except for a little girl sitting by a tree directly ahead of you. You walk over to her and talk to her and she says weird creepy things hinting at the monster. So you look around find/see nothing. The second you turn back toward the house you see slenderman peering out behind your house and then he vanishes so if/when you follow you won't find him. But there is a note behind the house that will help (tells which door is which *see cave bit later on) but is not essential to the quest. If you pick up the note it would be added to your inventory in the real world. Teleported back to the real world upon entering the house. Find a note in your house telling information about a house in the woods with strange phenomena happening. Quest tells you to go there so you get there and walk around. Find nothing after a short time of searching quest tells you to sleep because its late. Teleported to a different place in dream state where you are required to find a note about what happened to somebody before you wake up. Cutscene when you wake up shows the camera pointing straight up from bed. First black fades in to fuzzy as if opening eyes and the slenderman is standing over you staring at you. Camera fades to black and then fades to clear picture (all these fades happen quickly) and shows player looking around then getting out of bed and player resumes control. You find a note that says "leave". Quest tells you to travel back to your house which is a short distance away so most players aren't going to fast travel. It is still night when you set out to get home. Player walks through the woods looking around seeing it is eerily quiet (no mobs present at all) then on the path you see a light on a tree and the same girl sitting there. The light goes out and the girl is gone if the player goes to investigate. Continue on your way home and slenderman should appear a couple times off in the distance. Arrive home and find a note that says "stop". Quest tells you to talk to a strange traveller that appeared in town that day. Gain info and follow traveller to a cave. Go through dark cave with traveller infront of you. As cave twists and turns the traveller loses the player and the player becomes frantic looking for his guide. A few moments later he sees a trail of blood that leads to his guide lying dead with his eyes gouged out. Search him to find a notebook giving info on how to use its past to defeat slenderman and a weapon that will end him. That in conjunction with the optional note found in first dream will prove helpful. Player continues down the cave and finds a cavern with an altar in the center with nothing of note except a skeleton slumped in the chair next to the altar. Continue past into another dark passageway into a room with two doors and a sign that reads "choose the terror". One door contains a long passageway with slenderman spooking the player. The other contains the reanimated corpse of his guide with gouged out eyes attacking the player then disappearing constantly. Get the end of either passage and you find a bedroom with furniture. Read the open book on the table to continue quest which causes the hidden door to open automatically and wind gust with a creepy voice greets the player. You fight the slenderman in a large-ish chasm with ankle deep water everywhere so you can hear the water sloshing only from the player. Once you defeat the slenderman he speaks to the player and asks for him to finish the job he was assigned. Quest is terminated once player takes the enchanted jewel necklace he/she receives to an abandoned house on a rocky outcrop by the swamp and places it in the strongbox on the desk. A disembodied voice speaks the words "thank you" as the player exits the house and that is the end of the ghostly slenderman and the quest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, what do you think of the story-line? One of the many that are locked up in my head but I don't have the time nor the patience to learn how to do everything required for this mod being a college student studying aerospace engineering. I would love it if some one with real talent could make this mod come to life and possibly some of my other story lines. So come on people! Let's get some support!
  3. Maybe not a musket but there is a way to make it slightly more lore friendly. Those Dwarves were pretty handy with mechanical things. There are already mods for a Dwemer Exoskeleton and and a Dwemer Autoblade (chainsaw sword from Warhammer 40K). It is highly possible to create a Dwemer style shoulder-fire rifle with a clip load system. There would probably be a lot of time taken in both the animation of such a weapon as well as the actual construction of the model since there aren't many current models that match up well with the idea of a rifle. This mod would be awesome to add to Skyrim and I would love to beta test for anyone and give feedback (sadly, I suck at animation and textures but I have so many great ideas, like a hidden/wrist mounted blade {yes like that of Assassin's Creed} that would help in public assassinations by allowing you to do it with everyone noticing which would help in some the Dark Brotherhood assignments)
  4. How do you safely delete navmeshes? I would really like to get some of the mods like Dovahkiin Hideout working.
  5. I am working on this mod purely for fun but I decided it would be cool to add some flair to the Dark Brotherhood's attire, at least for the higher-ups like astrid and yourself (possibly Nazir). Anyway I have been working on just the armor so far and a couple weapons (namely bow and dagger) but I need someone to help me out. I need someone that can create awesome textures from scratch with inspiration from AC2 for armor and weapons. It is ok to use a base of whatever Skyrim clothes/armor you want as a base but I'd like for the armor set and weapons to add something special to the game. Something you could wear proudly because you just look so good. In addition to retextures of current armor/weapons, I have plans to make a new weapon (or several but they all have generally the same idea) that would be wrist-mounted: a set of claws (2 or 3 perhaps) as well as a wrist mounted dart launcher. If I could get a team together I'm sure this could be one of the most popular mods out there. Please respond message me if you are onboard. Remember, I need someone to texture and maybe a little help on animations.
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