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Posts posted by breakwind

  1. One of my characters is a High Elf character named Evil Deeds who is an agent of chaos and uses his skillset to cause 'difficulties' for both sides of the war to further the Aldmeri cause. I think he would very much like to have the 'Kill Essentials' mod....I'll pass it onto him :thumbsup:
  2. It's been in the game for as long as I have played it, over 10 months, but I've only had it a couple of times and only activated it once for novelty value, never come across any dragon using it, but as it is a shout no reason why they couldn't learn it I suppose. Would be funny to hear
  3. Yes thats what I love about Elder Scroll games, you can make your own funny moments, Last time I did the Embassy Party quest, when Malborn asked me to give him items I simply couldn't live without, I gave him just 2 bottles of Black Briar Mead. Also the dialogue at the party has a few funny lines
  4. Always love how on the very rare occasions that you come across East Empire Mercenaries, that they start fighting with one another. For example on the Japhets Folly quest you arrive on the ship and have to walk over to Adelaisa woman, you walk past some mercenaries looking over the side of the ship with the standard 'move along' greeting they give you and while doing the speech dialogue with Adelaisa you hear a ruckus and when finished the dialogue you see 2,3 or 4 mercenaries in mortal combat with each other
  5. To walk around i use 3 Person, beacuse its more fancy (i mean seriosly the fiel of view in 1 person is f***ed up! Doesnt look too natural :confused: ) But in actual comabt i use 1. person because the aim is better. :)


    Looking in 1st person doesn't look too natural? Do you naturally walk around with your eyes up in the air? :teehee:

  6. I usually play in 1st person as I come from the FPS stable and Elder Scroll games are the only RPG games I have really played, in fact I have only just started to wander around in 3rd person now after 500 hours of gameplay...just to see what it is like....but I can't do combat in 3rd person, as it is disorientating for me
  7. There is a bit of wit and sarcasm to be found in Skyrim, for instance listen to Nazeem's wife Ahlam? in Whiterun. You can also create your own humour....I don't know why but hitting Ancano at the college with the Nightingale Subterfuge and watching the chaos always cracks me up...even after having done it countless times :)
  8. On the couple of occasions I have been attacked by them, sheathing weapons and paying gold to one of the senior members clears it up, but as you have not been recognised as an official member yet this probably won't work. If it was me I would just start a temporary new game with the Live Another Life, and begin as a member of the Thieves Guild, do the extortion thing again and see if it happens to this character as well
  9. I'm a bloke and I play as a bloke, and I don't watch nobody's butt...unless I'm kicking it, If you want a fantasy young fellas....buy a barbie doll and play with it :whistling: Then again it's people's own business what they do with their characters :smile:
  10. Yes I also get sick of a character who becomes a repetitive mass-murderer, so I start a new character who is only going to follow the way of alchemy, but by about level 15 this character also becomes a repetitive mass murderer...... :smile:
  11. I can relate to the opening post as I too have made Nord characters with joining the Stormcloaks in mind, but always revert to joining the Legion. I have only finished the Stormcloak quest once and it just didn't feel right. Meeting up with Ulfric in Sovngarde seems to justify that feeling, and I have always felt that Ulfric was nothing more than a Thalmor stooge. People relate the war to the American Civil War, but I reckon it may be closer to the Spanish Civil War, with a Stormcloak victory meaning that Skyrim would be taken out of the equation when the Thalmor battle the Empire again, as a neutral secret Thalmor 'puppet' state....keeping the Nords out of the Legion as it's priority. Well that's what's in my imagination anyway :smile:


    Well, if you want to make a character join the Stormcloaks, do what I did, look for a firm reason to do so. Perhaps roleplay that you eventually will challenge Ulfric to a duel for the right to rule Skyrim.


    I don't think the scene where you meet Ulfric in Sovengarde is him admitting to being a Thalmor stooge. It would seem that he regrets Skyrim being torn apart (much like Rikke, if she is encountered in Sovengarde), and recognises that the War is what led the way to Alduin's return.



    I didn't write that he did admit anything...I just wrote that he seems to justify the feeling I get. Of course I don't believe he is a willing stooge, more like a pawn. After all if he didn't have honour, he probably wouldn't have ended up in Sovngarde. I was just writing my reasons for feeling the same as the OP, I definitely do not want to debate another Stormcloak VS Empire thread again ;)

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