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Posts posted by natebain

  1. I have a problem it started about a week ago when I go to the main menu the section "Mods" & "Creation Club" are grayed out and I cannot access them. I can go the Bethesda site and see my mods there but cannot get them from the opening menu in Fallout (see attached pic)





  2. I am having a problem on a making a mod of mine show up in the game.

    I created a short mod (4 custom tattoos) but cant figure out how to make them show up in the game.

    this how I made the mod structure






    Character Assets

    FaceDetails (this folder is where the dds files are)


    I have tried using NMM to install this mod, I also tried making a folder on the game called "mytats" and put the dds files in it, but cant get those files show up in the game.

    What am I doing wrong.

    I will attach the rar file as well

    thank you in advance



  3. I'm not sure of where to to start maybe someone could tell me how or what I need to make this

    My project is to put a chest (really dosen't matter what kind, a footlocker would be nice) in the closet in my Sanctuary home, I want to have it a number of items in it

    I know its a dumb question

  4. is there anyway to start the game with all the mods that I have installed through Nexus without having to go through the whole list of installed mods, sometimes I just want to start the game I know the mods installed and are working good but have to looking at all the mods I have installed

  5. Ok went through the update I downloaded and installed the latest version of F4SE went to play and found a number of mods that need to be updated (such as "looks menu" and all files associated with it) no real biggie I expected a few mods not to work. I was able to disable all but one of the bothersome mods except one I get a popup box it says

    "Unsupported runtime version (expected v1.10.20). Terminal+ will be disabled"

    then it gets to the test pattern screen and crashed to the desktop

    I run a lot of mods both from Nexus and Steam and even a few that I have gotten elsewhere on the web I have tried disabling a bunch of mods but it still pops up and crashes, I even ran the tool to validate my desk top files and it came back with 2 files failed (as it always does, one is the opening screen that one always happens, but never caused a crash)

    anyone have an idea as to what mod of file is causing this,

  6. thank you, I did find "auto hot key" its not a Nexus file and can be found here https://autohotkey.com/download/ neither of those files look like the mod I had I will give both a try and see which one works for me. Been having a lot of problems since the last update wish they would just leave well enough alone everything was working fine before.

    Once again Thank you very much

  7. I used to have an mod that allowed me to place, rotate, scale, move up and down ect via my number pad. I had to reinstall after the latest update and now I cant find how to do that

    any help how to get that function back or what mod did that.

  8. I had at one time (maybe I still do but cant locate it) a mod that when you killed some one with an energy weapon it did not reduce them to a glowing smoking pile of ash, but rather it removed the skin and left a red bony mess with some armor still on it, I just liked the look of that rather than a pile of ash. Does any one remember the name of that mod, please let me know.

    thank you all


  9. Hoping some one can get me some info on this very minor problem. Sometime in the past I either downloaded and installed or had an existing mod update not sure witch (I have a ton of mods both from Nexus and Bethesda) but as you can see from the attached file I have "xcheat-boxes and books" I can craft any of these items but dont know hos to use them, maybe I'm missing something dont know. Also dont know to remove them I'm not sure what mod they came from any help please.

  10. What is the secret of placing fences and walls? Whenever I try to place a series of fence panels (or walls) I find it hard to make them go where I want them, usually the first panel goes good but when I try to make a series they have a tendency to attach to the last one straight on, that's fine if I want to make a straight wall or fence line but if I need to make a corner they don't want to do that, I even tried the corner pieces but it takes a whole lot of finessing and most times I just give up. So how do you make a wall or fence that is square or rectangular with out going crazy

  11. When I first got XCom2 I really liked the mods that were available (both on Steam and Nexus) and they all worked fine. Well I had to reinstall the game from my D drive (my back up drive) back to my C drive, all went fine (all be it a verrrrrry long down load time from Steam) I had a bit of a time getting the mods from steam to show up on the first screen, but they finally did and it worked fine. A different story when I tried to load ANY mods from Nexus, After loading Nexus mod manager and installing a mod or two, I would press the "launch Xcom" button and I would get the main screen (the one that has a list of the mods on it, all were enabled both steam and nexus) when I pressed "Play" I would get the xcom icon on my task bar and when I clicked on it I get this(see attached) and no matter how long I let it run I could not get it run I had to click on the red x and it would shut down. If I tried just close nexus instead of trying to run from nexus, I got the same result. If I remove all the nexus mods I the game runs normally, This really only started after xcom got the new dlc from steam "children of anarchy" tried disabling it but no good still cant load any nexus mods. Any ideas?


  12. I am looking for a mod that allows me to use orc mouths on other races, anyone know of one or could create one. I know there is a mod that allows you to use any hair with any race.

    thank you

  13. any idea why this is starting to happen?

    I have been playing for quite a while now and had my fair share of problems but when I restarted again I am getting this sort of thing in caves, no clue have never had it before

  14. First of all is any one making quality mods for Skyrim or have they switched over to Fallout 4? Both are great games, I have and play both (get somewhat confused switching back and forth with the keyboard commands, most are similar but some are just plan wrong, oh well I digress)

    If any one out there would like to give this a try it would be great. In Skyrim it seems odd to me that when walking (or running) through caves or dungeons your foot steps and other sounds don't echo, its not a real biggie but it kind of bugs me. I use "Kill the orchestra and have taken off my HUD any quest markers and enemies to make the game more immersive so when I go exploring in caves I get no sounds at all except the creatures and the sound of my foot steps (normal not echo) and weapon sounds, anyway just a thought.

    my other pet pieve is that when I am in combat when its snowing I have a hard time seeing the bad guys (as it should be) but they don't have any problems finding and hitting me, kind of one sided in my mind. Shouldn't the playing field be some what level If I cant see them then they cant find me.

    Now Fallout is a great game, a little heavy on the hardware scene but still doable I am glad to see some of the molders making the game more immersive I know its going to take some time to get it up the level of Skyrim, I can wait until then.

    Any way if any one would like to take on these tasks great other wise keep up the good work, niether of them is worth getting upset over.

    Thanks in advance

  15. I just want a mod that removes the swearing in the game both the voice and the text. I'm no prude (did my share of swearing in my past) but I have mellowed with age so I really don't want to see and hear all the curse words (like " You really want all that S**t" , "Press the Mo***r F**king V key") I don't know that it is what the text commands should be, if a bad guy needs to say a curse word or a curse word is called for its OK, but not just general commands or hints. I don't know if it could be done but someone please try.

  16. Your program is really good and I do update my version every time a new version comes out, having said that I do have a question when I upgraded NMM over half of my mod came up with a red circle with a line through it, I ran my game and it worked fine, the mods show up in the plugins side. I tried to reactivate them but they still have the same symbol next to them. I'm confused what should I do?
  17. I did use the console (and a combo of a bunch of mods) to create my char, except the physical look right now he looks like a fair skinned Redguard with night eye ability.

    Just want him to look like a cross between a human and Khajiit

  18. I am not familiar on how to create a new race in slyrim, so I come here and humbly ask for some help. I am looking for a new hybrid male char, a cross of Khajiit, Redguard and Nord. He would have the endurance and strength of a Nord, the combat skill of a Redguard along with some of the perks of the Redguard and the night eye and sense of smell of the Khajiit. for appearance he would be fair skinned, the ears(only a bit less pronounced) the fangs and nose of the Khajiit. He isnt furry except the normal hair of a male. He would be the product of a Nord being trained in combat skills from an early age, then sent out in world he met a Khajiit female and was taken into there group as he grew up he fell in love with a Khajiit and the new char would be the result of there mating, his father taught him Redguard combat skills and his mother taught him sneak, lock pick and unarmed combat skills. Left there care as a young man to make his own ways. Enough of the back story just let me know if anyone can do this

  19. not sure if this is the place to post this but here goes anyway

    a while back I was playing around with windows 10 (still in beta) and found the nexus mod manager (which I love) would not work. Now Microsoft is rolling out the real version of windows 10 will your program work?

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