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Everything posted by yoyohobo665

  1. The majority of my modding is spent on zelda mods, so I don't have a problem with cross-overs. Of course, it depends on the games; it needs to be a "realistic" crossover. A backstory is a MUST. I'm not too sure how much I'd like for the official lore of a game to include a crossover however. Such as, Bethesda having the rights to content from another franchise and including it in the Elder Scrolls' lore. Again, that situation depends on the games being merged. I LOVED the fact that SSBrawl included Sonic and Snake, and I probably will like that Kratos from God of War will be included in the next installment of Mortal Kombat. Just my two cents, I guess.
  2. I've seen a map that shows which cells of the Tamriel world space are affected by the "Unique Landscapes" mod, and I was wondering if there may be a similar map that shows what cells are affected by other major mods out there. It doesn't necessarily have to be a visual map; it could just be a list of the cells.
  3. Exactly my point! Calling the gates “gates to Oblivion” is sort of like calling your dog by saying “dog” instead of by his/her name. I think it would have been much more appropriate to call the gates “Gate to Deadlands” and more importantly, call the game “The Elder Scrolls IV: Deadlands.” Unless of course, It is common amongst the mortals to generalize Mehrunes Dagon’s plane AS Oblivion.
  4. So I'm trying to understand why these gates are referred to as "Gates to Oblivion." I understand that they are INDEED gates to Oblivion, but that is a little to general IMO. The gates specifically lead to Mehrunes Dagon's plane, called the "Deadlands," as can be attributed to the environment and appearance of each gate. (And, why is Dagon's realm constantly referred to as “Oblivion” anyway?) Oblivion encompasses all realms (or planes) of the Daedric Princes, right? Which means Sheogorath’s Madhouse (or Shivering Isles) is part of Oblivion. Normally, I wouldn't nitpick like this, but I find it strange that the “strange door” leading to Madhouse is not considered a Gate to Oblvion-- or is it? I suppose these inaccuracies can be attributed to the ignorance of the mortals that inhabit Nirn. MIRITE?
  5. i love dokuro chan
  6. alright i basically just meant the texture. i'll take a stab at it.
  7. cartoony like that? or more realistic?
  8. you can just edit your email out to be safe; i got it now.
  9. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k9/yoyohobo665/CG/door.jpg It's not done yet but would something like this be ok? How clean do you want it? any suggestions for it so far?
  10. what texture from "nibenay castle" are you refering to?
  11. could you find and link to a picture of something you want the door to look like?
  12. hello n thanks; i'm fine, you? :) a little late but merry christmas and happy new year.
  13. got around to finishing anathros. not sure what i'll do next. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/21108-4-1261690059.jpg
  14. i remember we talked before about bombs. the mod i'm working on will include most of these items and you're free to use anything from it.
  15. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21108 anathros is done i just need to update it. i'll be making Valermos eventually. idk about Kilgorin, cuz it's beed made a lot before. EDIT: i added anathros.
  16. i've never heard of anything like this so i can't help, but i'm very curious to know why you need to do this? i believe objects without a normal map will render really dark.
  17. i'm very surprised the adoring fan hasn't been mentioned; i even had to check if i was in the oblivion forum. anyway, i would have to say chancellor ocato. i can't believe he didn't atleast offer to make me emperor.
  18. i might make it though you really should post this in the file request section.
  19. just use the console by hitting the ` key. type in "advlevel" (without the quotes) and you'll level up.
  20. @gpstr1- thanks alot :) my older brother used to get the budk magazine so i sort of have that same history. @Micko- i might make it later. i don't really want to though cuz it's already been made for oblivion a few times before.
  21. high poly of anathros. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k9/yoyohobo665/CG/anathros.jpg not finished with it, but im done for today. btw, which is your favorite so far?
  22. actually yeah, cuz i completely remade them and didn't just rip them from two worlds. but that doesn't really matter because these swords aren't even originally from that game.
  23. mmk http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/21108-1-1227700642.jpg http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/21108-1-1236565836.jpg http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/21108-2-1250807417.jpg the three weapons thus far. i don't really like the texture on elexorien so i might update it in the future. any crits and comments are welcome :), and once again- the link to the mod is in my first post and now in my sig.
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