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Nexus Mods Profile

About AratazarCroillac

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. As long as the community patch is free and accessible for all the players/authors and it is not mandatory to use/create other mods, it's fine.
  2. thank you Nexus mods for giving us an opportunity to share our creation...... If it's not for you guys I wouldn't have known about of 3D modeling, rendering etc. I am just grateful becoming a member of this community.
  3. >Download the extraction tool from http://svn.gib.me/builds/disrupt/ >install the package mentioned in that thread now follow this thread. You will get a detailed answer.
  4. So I was just wanted to change the Geralt head into a Kratos head. I was following Marvelmaster's tutorial. I exported the vanilla h_00_mg__geralt.w2mesh as .fbx. Then save the file using visual studio 17 as .dae. But now when I'm importing that .dae file in Blender 2.79b the imported model has too tiny bones.(picture as follows). Also, there is another problem, after transferring the weight & selecting the Kratos head & the bones when I'm selecting 'with empty group' the bones are not attaching with the new Kratos head(the model was perfectly scaled & also mesh name was same). Please help me to fix this.
  5. I wanted to make a weapon mod which will change the Gryphon school sword with a new sword. And Recently I've got a 3d model of a sword which comes with albedo texture map as well as some other texture maps. Though I could change the model of the vanilla sword with this new sword model but could not change the vanilla texture with this new texture maps(lack of my knowledge on 3d model & texturing). Means, when I'm using this new mod the new sword appears with a white texture. From the tip of the blade to pommel of the handle, it is white. Please help me with this problem. Thank you **The following photo contains the textures came with the new sword model
  6. I just re-installed the witcher 3 mod tool & it worked....probably I had to install he latest version. Thank you for the reply. :smile: :smile:
  7. Hello folks. Recently I was trying to learn how to mod the witcher 3 & was following the tutorials of Marvel master & Gopher's videos in YT. When I was uncooking the files a command promt popped up & starts the processes. But after completing when I was about to export those .xbm files of Geralt's shirt it shows serialization error in command prompt & failed to export. Now after that (as the tutorial described) when I opened the actual folder ( D:\uncoocked\characters\models\geralt\armor\armor_shirt ) could not find any .tga files to edit. Also the uncooked folder is only 3.02 GB. Probably the uncooking process is not complete. -->My wcc_lite.exe location is "D:\Witcher_3_Mod_Tools\bin\x64" --> Witcher 3 contents location is "D:\TheWitcher3-WildHunt" --> Output path is "D:\uncoocked" I didn't leave any spaces between the names as wcc runs into errors due to that. Please help me out. Thank you
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