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About Zazo9090

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  1. I personally like to think that the only tes game that is true to the lore of elder scrolls when it comes to size and scale is daggerfall unlike the other elder scrolls games which are more like scaled down models of the real nations which are meant to be representative to that providence instead of its full real size. i feel that if you want to find the real size of tamriel you have to scale up the countrys using daggerfall as a base and starting point this leads to tamriel being about the size of Europe which is awesome
  2. I hope that after the 2nd great war the empire does end up disbaning and all nations become either self governing or join into other alliances for trade, protection, or power i think this would allow for new political and faction based story lines filled with war, espionage, heroism, treachery, corrupt politicians, and righteous rulers i know this is kinda off topic but does anyone agree
  3. Also it says that eventually despite the result of the civil war or the 2nd great war the empire is doomed to fall because it says in oblivion that only those of the dragon blood which by the way doesn't have to be dragon born like in skyrim they only need the blood of a dragon not the soul can lead a successful empire not fated to crumble such as the alessian blood line and the septim dynasty this is due akatoshs and other dragons natural ability to lead being past on to all of dragon blood this is why despite martin septim being a illegitimate basturd gets the imperial council to bow to him and crown him emperor its in his nature. Also there is two ways bethesda could save the empire they just find a peasant or minor lord that has the dragon blood which would be boring and not lore friendly because thiers no known test for the dragon blood outside of a divine item such the amulet of kings or option B they give skyrims civil war a canon ending both stormcloaks or imperials would work if you did it right and make the skyrim character have a canon race and origin then make the dark brotherhood quest line canon this would all build up to the dragon born we saw in the first skyrim trailer the emperor of tamriel uniting all nations under a common banner to fight the aldmeri dominon this is the only way you could keep the empire whole otherwise it turns back into seperate nations which if they allied Wouldn't be that bad because they could beat the aldmeri dominon and it opens the gate for new factions , alliances, wars, and plot points and long as one of these two outcomes happens i Don't know about you but ill be happy
  4. I think that the dunmer would probably stay neutral in the war but if they had to pick a side they would pick the stormcloaks and my reason for thinking that is in the DB Dlc it is stated that during the oblivion crisis the imperials abandoned morrowind forcing house redoran to build a army on the spot and allowing the deadra to wreak havoc on the dunmer people after the oblivion crisis due to lack of imperial soldiers and the anger of the dunmer people they left the empire and striped house hlaalu of thier position as a great house while also striping them of thier lands due to thier support of the empire this shows thier resent of the empire also to dispel the argument that the dunmer of morrowind hate the nords due to past wars in either the dawn or first eras you have to remember how long ago that was comprared to more current history like in the 2nd era when nords and dunmer fought and side by side to protect each others land from the first aldmeri dominon, the daggerfall covenant, and two seperate akaviri invasions from the kamal and later the snake men whos name i can't spell then in the third era they were trade partners and members of an empire both mutually agreed to join of thier own volition and if the stormcloaks won the civil war the great houses would go " hey we have a decent past with these guys and we have a mutual resentment for the empire and if we traded they have vast natural resources in the form of many ores and pelt and in exchange we can give them our foods and exotic spices which they lack and if we were to support each other in a military alliance we could trade and there military which made up of some of if not the best natural warriors in all of tamriel would support us in the event of the argonians attacking again, a imperial reclamation attempt, or in the unlikely event of another akaviri invasion " and if this did happened it might influence hammerfell to join such an alliance and even if it dident lead to that it would be good for an independent skyrim because increased trade would bolster thier economy and dunmer in skyrim would be more likely to join the army in such an event, it would be good for morrowind for aforementioned reasons, and it would be good for the empire because in the event of another great war the nords would join the imperials on the warfront at sea and land which would force the dunmer to join due to thier alliance with the nords remember that the dunmer Didn't fight in the first great war because they already left the empire so this time the aldmeri dominon would have to fight a empire of cyrodil and high rock ,a independent hammerfell, and a allied skyrim and morrowind which makes the land battle much harder and the naval battle even harder then it was before
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