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Everything posted by SkyrimAvio

  1. Stormcloak A looks better but i don't really see the stormcloaks wearing that, the fact that B looks cheaper makes it better because they are a rebel faction who don't like clean stuff :)
  2. If you are going to make the blades armor, i think you should base it a bit on this http://tinyurl.com/buwvcg9 The blades had an armor that was based on the akaviri but had some cyrodiilic unfluences in it. and the vanilla blades armor looks like it was based on a crappy samurai drawing made by a 9 year old.
  3. "lol.. Im not sure what you mean by hats? The kettle helm?.. And..lol.. I really don't know why you would think the colour orange is more fitting for Imperial outfits.. Is that lore related? As there are no Empires in history or fiction that I know of that used Orange as their primary colour (although I am not certain).." yeah i meant the kettle hat with hats. well, the riften color in vanilla Skyrim is a purple thats pretty close to blue, and since most stormcloak holds the blue-ish color pattern on their armors it kinda fits. while here they are orange, and Solitude is red, wich is pretty close to orange, and Whiterun is yellow, and Whiterun stays neutral but eventually becomes imperial. Also, i don't really see why u left the crossed daggers out, the fish is a pretty cool symbol though and it kinda fits Riften, but the reason they have the crossed draggers is because of an early riften jarl called hosgunn Crossed-Daggers, although i can also i see why you used it, since most holds are having animal emblems(is it supposed to be a goldfish or a slaughterfish) oh, when you are working on the stormcloaks, remind that they have a huge hardon for their ancient heroes and history(although most of them don't know that much about their history lol) so when you are making the stormcloak armors you should add some ancient nordic symbols to the armor and stuff like that. Basicly the same when you are gonna make the thalmor/elven robes and armor, keep in mind that they are all a bunch of aldmeri fangirls who want to be aldmer. kinda like the nords with them wanting to live like the nedes did. besides, are you also gonna replace regular armors like iron,steel etc?
  4. MM DAT GUARD ARMOR!!!! i still think this one would be better for windhelm or winterhold or something you know? i mean the Windhelm guardsman doesn't look like a guy who wants to kill elves with a big axe all day because his ancestors did it too, while the riften guardsman does :) plus Riften looks like it is a bit rainy and the windhelm guardsman armor have like big helmets that kinda resemble hats in my opinion, so i think it would be better to switch these(or just the helmets), the riften knight looks pretty awesome though :). I still wonder why u made riften orange? orange is more of an imperial fitting color imo, since the stormcloak(soldiers/guards) seem to have use blue or colours that are close to blue. i also have one minor complaint about the windhelm knight, the legs are a bit skinny in my opinion, i know that these are probably meshes from the witcher games but still, windhelm is THE city of the old fashion nord, and they don't run around in lil wayne pants LOL. But besides that, AMAZING MOD!! can't wait for it to be finished. (besides, me showing interest by sending suggestions/complaints means that this mod is pretty amazing, because if it was a crappy mod i wouldn't say a thing)
  5. The hussars could fit the thalmor, they seem a bit ahead of their time, just like the dwemer were, so it could make sense for them to wear armor wich is a bit more modern then the armors the humans are wearing
  6. hangover lolololol... could you translate your drunken english to normal english plz?
  7. lmao the author of my favorite mod(Janusforbeare) is reading this lool
  8. Yeah, i basicly agree on everything you say, but the thing is, the imperial armors from oblivion kinda reminded me what the roman armor would look like if they would still exist around medieval times(not talking about the east roman empire) you know, looking medieval while still being influenced a lot by ancient greek/roman gear. but i get your point, its your mod, you can do what you want, its not that i hate the fact that it is based a bit more on our history, i think its pretty awesome, but since im a bit a loremonger, i would obv. prefer this if it was a bit more lore-friendly. but yeah i will start on some sketches for the jarls soon, see if you like them lol
  9. I think this project is great, seriously, the armors look awesome. but in my opinion it would be a bit more awesome if you would make the armors a bit more lore friendly. I know that this is your own interprentation of the tes lore, but i think it would be better for the heavy imperial knight armor to have some hoplite-type helmet so they kinda look like they did in Oblivion, same for the light armour and archers, and the stormcloaks could look a bit more barbaric, kinda like your northman armor, the armor of Ulfric and Tulius look awesome though. i know you probably aren't gonna change a thing just because i commented, but i felt like sharing my opinion. the akaviri are still going to be eastern right? even if they don't resemble the japanese warriors. EDIT: after reconsideration i think the archers look fine lol? besides do you need some inspiration/sketches for the replacement armor/clothing of the jarls?
  10. BTW, i'm already working on some concept arts right now, will publish them later i guess since i have school :S
  11. First of all, i'm a huge sucker for asian cultures, Also for the akaviri stories. but there aren't any akaviri humans anymore because they have been eaten by the tsaeci, but maybe some of them are still alive and are planning a rebellion to, and that they need your help to get their own country back. So i basicly came up with this idea when i saw Moonpath to Elsweyr, then i realized that almost anything is possible in the modding community, so why not make an another expansion, but this time in the continent we all love, Akavir. What this mod will feature: - Akaviri men - Tsaeci( not sure if human or snakeman) - Ka' Po Tun (maybe Tosh Raka) - Tong Mo - Maybe a new race that represents the mongolians. - and a lot more :) Since i suck at modding i'm only limiting myself to the plot/script writing and making concept arts, i will need a ton of people who are great at making weapon/armor mods, people who are gonna help making the enviroment, voice actors, script writers, other concept art artists etc. So if you wanna help me with this mod send me a priv. message and you are in :)
  12. If you are going to make a custom armor for atvir i would rlly suggest using parts of the scout armor of Doodaboom, even though he isn't a scout, he sure looks badass while dual wielding and wearing that armor :)
  13. If this mod isn't dead i would like to report some bugs(hope they get fixed because i rlly like this follower) after i gave him some new armor he randomly swithces back to his leather and back to the armor i gave him. and now i have the problem that he walks away after i ask to follow me... anyways, this mod is really epic btw.
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