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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by UndeadMod

  1. (1) http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/955012051037092436/A7603D09D1CAAC6961C6566A48F88F7BCAC949FA/ (2) http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/955013318121801203/65C04E7AD5176A6E69FE3BA2A7A40FB02D363199/ As you can see, shadows are very pixelated at the edges. Picture 1 shows that the issue wasn't so bad when I fixed it, thanks to a person in a chat (don't remember him/hers name so I get pissed of that I cant remember who it was so I can ask again. Picture 2 Is a lot worse. I have changed the resolution of the shadows and so forth, but I remember that didn't fix it the first time I fixed it, it was something else, something I have missed but is right in front of my face, laughing! I am asking if any has had the same problem, and how I can possible fix it without the use of potensial mods. .. . . . Please, anyone.
  2. Not that I know of.
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