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Everything posted by RowanSkie

  1. Yup! I would be surprised if you turn it to an esl and work like it's in base game.
  2. I know there's already some parts, and I would love to see it. I also would like to have it, like, doubled or something. If not, it's alright.
  3. come on, the vanilla one is good enough, why not the CBBE version? The dirty ones are better than the Vault Tec ones.
  4. You have CC items. They usually block sorting of mods.
  5. Nobody explained why the BoS is destroying the Institute when they can scavenge it like Enclave. So what if, during one of its main quests, there's like, a mention that they are destroying the Institute because they had enough intel via the Network Scanner? Surely that can make sense.
  6. can anyone make the Pre-War Money a Misc item instead of a Junk item? If there is already one, please send it here. If there wasn't, can you make it an esl too?
  7. So I was playing a Survival game, and I can't interact with the water fountains. The refill bottle works but I can't interact with it. It all started when I used the SOE pack's water fountains and now I can't even use the Vault 81 ones. I'll post my mods here.
  8. What title said. Because Creation Club not only sucks, but they're now doing things that aren't lore-friendly. Also, that +1 for them to move over to, I dunno, a vault. But that's optional.
  9. Can anyone make, like a levelled list replacer of Hunting Rifle to the Mosin Nagant mod? ( https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23258/ ) Kinda like that Assault Rifle and Combat Rifle replacer on the nexus where they are replaced by Deadpool2099's Assault Carbine and T41NT3D's R91.
  10. That can be achieved by scripting in a live nuke item that if detected will spawn in an explosion. If it was only that easy lol
  11. I meant perk requirement for the mini nuke itself, my bad.
  12. I like it, but I removed the crafting requirement for Mini Nuke through FO4Edit because you could only, after all, get a set from Gorski cabin and the ones in Fort Strong can't be used.
  13. Crafting those parts will make mini nuke crafting a bit easier. Maybe with a little difficulty.
  14. There's four parts of mini nukes that can be scrapped out, the beryllium cap, detonator shell, hemisphere core, and stabilizer fins. what if there's a recipe that uses all four scrap items to build a mini nuke?
  15. I've seen this: http://www.monkeymods.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Official-Fallout-4-App-Icons-5.png ( https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3127/? ) Can someone make a few of the map markers use this? Like the Castle having an extra Minutemen (icon_108.png) logo or replace Castle marker, and the Prydwen or Outpost Echo using icon_215 ... Where did we use that golf icon (icon_185 and icon_186)?
  16. Basically, the GECK (or Garden of Eden Creation Kit) is a thing in Fallout 2 that revitalizes a destroyed area... so, what if, there actually was supposed to be some over the regional area but was never sent? The Sole Survivor would then use it to imrpove settlements. I am thinking of the GECK having circuitry, fertilizer, and some fruit seeds. Basically, there's a placeable version and if it was opened without picking it up, you woll receive components enough for a little farm. And also should be placed over the Vault Tec Regional Headquarters.
  17. Or Automatron? Anywayx if there was one, it can't be placed over the NM because of copyright from Neir Automata
  18. Oh, wow, that's really great, thanks. Hmm... no offense, but who else knows what the acronyms mean? Well... looks like I need to get some items to get myself prepared then.
  19. I like using LOOT, though sometimes my mod orders goes way worse and some items don't appear at all due to "optimization" (no offense LOOT users). I also like to categorize each of my mods, but then famous mod order guides whack me out and causes me to panic. And installing/updating mods as well. NMM has a nice categorization, but it's making me dizzy sort out plugins. (Does Armor and Weapons come after Locations?) Anyone have some sort of mod sorter app that goes like, it will have some sort of pre-made list and then you assign plugins to the list, and the app will give you a load order from the list you created? Also, if there isn't, can someone link me up to how to make a batch/javascipt/C++ file that does that? And also some tutorials on scripting as well.
  20. Oh. So a no-go for me if I use CBBE Outfits with skimpiness, since I use EVB...
  21. What will happen? I happen to dislike CBBE's thing about the back of the head of female ghouls and also old girl textures. Texture mismatch/semi-visible seams I can live, but clipping from the proportions... I dunno. Should I modify BodySlide to use Vanilla models then?
  22. You are basically asking for an auto-change function besides the quick menu, right?
  23. Or more like a level list where Synths get to use their plasma rifles they sell in the Institute and also use more melee than just electric batons most of the time Because they are the Institute, surely they have their own line of melee weapons...
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