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Everything posted by Saundie

  1. Hi everyone, First post so sorry if I am unwittingly breaking any forum norms... I tried (very unsuccessfully) to create a basic death alternative mod that would respawn you at a place where you used a consumable (tried with a stimpack). I was trying to copy Dragon Souls Mod's (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34698/?) scripts using FO4Edit but there was just too many things that I had no idea about (no modding experience - naive to think I could do a full port!). That being said - I'm pretty sure someone who's actually competent with fo4edit could do it I'd love the added challenge that respawning without gear would provide - it would give you a whole new reason to play conservatively and hold onto useful gear. Anyway, just hoping others are interested and able to create a mod like this! Thoughts?
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