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Everything posted by phillipjohnmc

  1. this is killing me. i've got the yellow box over the navmesh, have checked the navmesh for errors (there are none) and finalised, but followers won't go into the player home with me. i have to summon them inside. they will exit the house, so the yellow box inside seems to be working, but not the outside box going in. works for player, but not followers i had got it to work in the past, but now it's not working. even though i haven't changed anything. such a headache for one seemingly simple thing. (also, i just noticed that if i enter the house then reload the game, the players will be inside the house upon reload)
  2. wouldn't it be nice if the game's engine could magically start using all our processors' cores?! it's a great game, despite the load screen hiccups. and it's funny...sometimes it runs quite smoothly, even on horse, and then other times i'll hang on a load screen for 3-4 seconds, which, ok, is not a super long time, but in modern gaming, that's an eternity! and it crashes so rarely now that i get lulled into forgetting to save. then along comes spriggan
  3. tried 'remove bloat' but said 'no bloating found'. i imagine it's the number of mods, in some cases large mods
  4. i only have 79 hrs on the game. perhaps that's a kind of big save game? i have 160 mods installed, if that matters.
  5. ah, i totally got you. yes, in anvil for example, there's a rock for the AI (exists in Skyrim open cities also). in skyrim, it takes you to the vanilla city. but in Anvil, it takes you to bizarro world. don't know what's going on there. the terrain is really messed up and there's a canal with npcs floating in it. and the prophet is stuck there and won't stay out in the 'open city'. i tried to get him back but he just returns to bizarro world. (is there a fix for that?) anyway, i understand what you mean about the cells. the open city cells are separate from vanilla cells. if i wanted to have any impact at all, i would have had to hunt down the open city cells and work inside those. maybe then it would have recognised my addition. maybe
  6. re: using f to lower to ground...yes i had done that but it was a bit near a rock and i think the rock kept it elevated. i used z to lower it manually and it's fine now. as far as loading open cities.esp, better cities.esp into cs goes, i had done that in the beginning, but the city looked vanilla, as if it hadn't actually loaded those .esps. i had a hard time figuring out exactly where to place the tree. i had to go back into the game and find x-y-z coordinates. but in the end that tree didn't render in-game b/c of aforementioned issues. i eventually placeatme'ed a tree in-game on the spot where i wanted it, but the rendering was 2D and it looked like a giant stick from afar, so i nosed around for a while to find something else, a lamp post (too short), an imperial lamp post (rendered way down into the ground), a statue (rendered halfway into the ground). then i had an idea; i saw a statue base, so i rendered one on top of the other, 4 high, then placeatme'ed a stendarr statue--perfect for Chorrol, then disabled the bases. it looks great and the floating flame is covered...https://imgur.com/1ewHo9J. i'm so OCD it's clinical. i've read that too many placeatme's are not good for the savegame, but it's only this statue and the bases which i disabled, but perhaps some code remains in savegame file from the disabled bases. dunno how that works.
  7. well, the first retry didn't work, but the second one did. i am shocked. the tree is there! it's about 3 feet off the ground, but i can indeed fix that. wow. bizarrely, what i saw in cs, with just oblivion.esm loaded and in a wilderness cell down a bit from battlehorn castle, was vegetation that didn't match what i saw in the game at all, so presumably the area where i placed this tree was a modded cell, but my mod still showed up. i did read the tutorial on esmifying/espifying. steep learning curve. that's fine, but importantly i know a bit better what works and what doesn't. this is not creation kit, just like oblivion is not skyrim (but i still quite enjoy oblivion nonetheless)
  8. i am using BC, and open cities reborn, and open better cities. i thought, though, that b/c my mod is lowest in the order that it would definitely appear, b/c there's nothing after it to overwrite it. but i am certainly no expert at oblivion, cs and wrye bash logic lol what i'd do, as a test, is try to add a tree in a vanilla cell, somewhere away from Chorrol. and i'll try to add a vanilla tree, although i think L&G changed all the trees. so i can make a simple test mod, make sure box is checked in Wrye Bash and make sure it's under the bashed patch, and that's OK? so, don't rebuild the patch and just have the .esp below it. i thought all had to be bashed to work. yeah, i'm way new at this (but i've added 160 mods to oblivion and it still works great, aside from a bit of lag for load screens)
  9. yeah i meant mod not patch. well, i think at least. i'm fairly new at making mods. i've made small ones in Skryim, which amount to adding a bit of furniture here and there, or making Argis not blind anymore lol, and my biggest to date is adding a player home in Falkreath (which still needs work...see post in Skyrim - Nexus mod forum). so yeah, i'm new. when i say 'patch', i'm 'patching' over something in-game that i can't delete for some reason (a flame is floating randomly in Chorrol. if i place something on it, a tree for example, then it's hidden and that's good enough for me). but i suppose i'm technically making a mod. so i have to go into data files of the oblivion game launcher and check that the .esp is checked? if i've got it installed and checked in Wrye Bash, wouldn't it be automatically checked in 'data files'? anyway, i'll look to see if that's the case. seems silly anyhow that i can't just make a simple mod with CS that adds a tree and have it show up in-game without having to make an extensive effort to find out how to do it. ugh. and i thought Creation Kit was a bit difficult. thanks for your reply
  10. thanks for the reply. i've got CS 1.2.404. the master was oblivion.esm and that was the only master i had open. looking at de-isolation now... if this helps, the tree i added might have been from Lush and Gaudy's files. when i plopped it, i'm pretty sure it was one of those trees. but i didn't have the L&G plug-in/master open
  11. I made a patch mod with CS, doesn't appear in-game. It was simply a tree, the simplest thing ever. The .esp is in the data folder, shows up in Wrye Bash, I even uploaded it to Nexus, submitted it to BOSS, is placed at bottom of load order, rebuilt patch. Nothing. Really, why on Earth wouldn't it show up? I never have this much trouble with Creation Kit. Ugh. I find CS to be a bit useless. Anyway, if someone can assist, I'd greatly appreciate it.
  12. got 2 issues for the price of 1. 1) water issue...see photo. there's a line/gap straight through the water. and it renders like that in-game. i don't know what i did, but this is where falkreathexterior04 (top cell) and falkreathexterior03 (bottom cell) join. i've added a player home to the lower cell, part of which rests in the upper cell. how do i realign these bodies of water? i went into each cell in the cell view window, right-clicked for the edit boxes to check on water height differences, but each cell is exactly the same as the vanilla cells, so that's not it. https://imgur.com/PrumRFF 2) follower issue...my follower go into the house, but when i exit, they appear somewhere outside of falkreath town, then show up running a few seconds later. the outside yellow teleport marker is navmeshed, which i finalised. i readjusted the yellow teleport marker and the navmesh (and finalised) to see if that would help, but now they don't come out of the house at all (but still go in). the navmesh outside is under the yellow marker. (EDIT: i seem to have fixed it. i readjusted the marker and the navmesh, but doesn't really make sense how what i did fixed anything, but it works now)
  13. nothing i do in console will make Argis reappear. he's there, but he's invisible. i moveto player and he's where i am but he won't appear. resurrect 1, resurect 0, recycleactor, nothing makes him reappear. i can't go back to an older save b/c he's not there either, unless i go back to a hard save, which is from yesterday and would be lame. what is going on?? please help. this happened when i entered the Fight Cave from Helgen Reborn. i have another follower as well, and he's completely fine.
  14. don't know if there's a console command that can 'ground' them when they do it
  15. i'm very anti-fast travel. it wasn't happening much until recently. stupidly i resorted my mod load order late-game not realising it could have serious knock-off effect
  16. how do you stop this? followers are floating and reloading doesn't help.
  17. i just did a google search of Blackreach glowing ceiling and apparently it's caused by a lighting mod (i use Realistic Lighting Overhaul) and the mod distorts the glow effect. there's a mod to fix it, but it's only Oldrim atm. this ceiling is in the Dwemer ruin in Markarth, but it appears in another cavern or two. at first i thought it was on purpose, but on close inspection of the texture, you can see how it's basically two colours, blue and green, and it's not very refined. there doesn't seem to be a SSE mod to fix it, only Oldrim, and so i imagine the oldrim mod (Falmer Glow Retexture) wouldn't work/not worth risk
  18. anyone know why some cavern ceilings have blue dots on them? it's a graphics issue i'm sure. i have mods installed for texture packs - Osmodius, but uninstalling that didn't make a difference.
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