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Everything posted by CKREME

  1. Thank you for the quick replies. Lets hope that somebody is able to do it. And by the way i was kind of surprised, that the picture became so small
  2. I cant find something nearly looking like a battle armor for dwarvish kind of player models. This is what i am searching for. i would love to see this armor in skyrim, so thank you all modders, i would appreciate it if you are able to create it. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130917201911/lotr/images/3/3b/Dwarven_Armour.jpg
  3. Thank you for the quick reply BluePianoTwo! but i was not looking for a mount but more a titanfall titan sort of thing but lore friendly of course
  4. Hey all you great modders out there! I just want to know if anyone around here wants do do a RIDEABLE MECH MOD with attack animations and probably a Story/Questline. I have no idea if its even possible to create a certain thing due to the fact that i' m not able to mod by myself. Thank you!
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