Hi! I'm on my first playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077, I was very hesitant to play it after the disappointment of The Witcher 3 and all those immersion problems that pull me out of the game at every corner. Indeed, between the characters standing on benches and barriers, the horses that get stuck in each other because the brawl between Geralt and three guys outside the inn scared him, the horse that teleports to Geralt for a side quest that requires you to chase a guy on horseback (despite the fact that we were promised unscripted sequences. ...) and a whole lot of similar things that break the immersion, I was very much afraid that the Cyberpunk experience would suffer the same thing and that I would have spent my money for a job not done nor to be done. That said, the game still has some interest, the dialogues and the scripted animations are good, only the NPCs, the traffic and the wild spawns and despawns persist in addition to the details that still make us observe aberrant stuff in 2022. I only use a few mods for the moment, one of them corrects the ragdoll except that I noticed that the bodies disappear as soon as you move a few meters away and are replaced by paper bags. That's not very good for the immersion and it makes the infiltration and hiding the bodies completely useless. So my question is if someone has the knowledge to create a mod that increases the time the bodies stay, like for example 2 days in game, as you never stay that long in the same place it seems reasonable and it avoids them disappearing when you're still in the area and, next to that, add a trigger that removes the bodies whatever the time set when the player moves 500 meters away for example? It would definitely improve the immersion rather than entering the area, eliminating an enemy, moving forward to secure the place and coming back when the fight is over and finding only a paper bag. Thank you!