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Posts posted by WidgitLabs

  1. Hi. You pretty much ask the same question I wanted to ask! I ordered a new computer last week built around the 2080 TI GPU and would certainly like a guide that would take advantage of the GPU's advanced capabilities. I was inspired to get a new system because my 2015 Alienware desktop with its 2 gig VRAM couldn't seem to handle guides aimed at more modest machines. (That and my machine's tendency to throw up "the blue screen of death" several times a week.) I've heard good things about Lexy's guide though I'm a little confused between LOTD the DLC versus LOTD the guide?


    Anyhow, if you want to create an a guide for supped-up desktops, I may be a viable tester -- when I get my new rig sometime this week, hopefully.


    Replied in DM

  2. So I've been running LOTD for quite a while, and Lexy's LOTD specifically for about a week, and I've come to a conclusion. LOTD is awesome, Lexy's LOTD is brilliant, but my computer can handle a lot more. Additionally, there's a few things bout Lexy's guide that I'm not a huge fan of. So... I'm seriously considering using Lexy's guide as a springboard for another guide (or rather, set of guides) tailored towards an even more immersive experience. I'd like to release two guides, one for "average" computers that's on par with the current Lexy's guide in terms of requirements, and one for people who have computers that don't even blink when running Lexy's. Additionally, the adjustments I'd like to make in terms of mod inclusion would be geared towards players looking to make Skyrim more immersive and challenging. Thoughts? Would anyone even be interested in such a thing?



    That's fair. Well, I can make up for lost time whenever it's ready :smile: until then... I guess... LOTRO... maybe crack out TESIV...


    Never really got into LOTRO. Only online game any of our team is actively playing is ESO (unless you include Minecraft as an online game). What do you think of it? Is it moddable (inquiring minds want to know!)?


    EDIT: We're always looking for something else to mod!



    I imagine it's as moddable as other MMORPGs are (are they very moddable?? lol)


    Most online games (like ESO and WoW) aren't overly moddable. Both of those MMORPGs are limited to UI modding. Basically, unless you're running your own server (like Minecraft, Ark, etc), modding is limited to client-side UI mods.

  4. That's fair. Well, I can make up for lost time whenever it's ready :smile: until then... I guess... LOTRO... maybe crack out TESIV...


    Never really got into LOTRO. Only online game any of our team is actively playing is ESO (unless you include Minecraft as an online game). What do you think of it? Is it moddable (inquiring minds want to know!)?


    EDIT: We're always looking for something else to mod!


    And again! 1.5.62 just got pushed. Let the waiting begin!


    How long do they usually take? Not in an impatient way, I appreciate these things are difficult to do and they have lives etc outside SKSE, just a randomer asking a question lol (plus, I'm having a REALLY awesome run on Skyrim atm so... :tongue: ok, maybe I AM impatient...)



    TOTALLY understandable. I'm a bit impatient too! But... as a modding company, the official stance for pretty much any release is "when it's done". That said, SKSE is usually a pretty quick update, and someone will likely post a workaround to roll back the update in the meantime at some point.

  6. This is why I don't have much hope for ES6 to be anything but a garbage wannabe MMO, disguised as a single player game.


    I'm confused... what does an ES5 update have to do with the quality of a game that's barely started development?

  7. Oh, we aren't looking for modding help with it, just inspiration and ideas. You're the one who's looking for the mod, you're our best resource for figuring out what we can do to make it awesome!

  8. As the title says, trying to get cumulative value of all items in a container. The following script works (sometimes), but it isn't consistent. With only one or two items, it works. Beyond that, it starts to fail at a seemingly random point. The 'wait' command was added to see if it was a race condition issue, but it doesn't seem to be. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Scriptname DonateChestScript extends ObjectReference  
    ; Aliases
    ; Imports
    import Utility
    ; Functions and events
    Event OnClose(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    	Int itemIndex = 0
    	Int itemValue = 0
    	Int totalValue = 0
    	Int totalItems = self.GetNumItems()
    	If totalItems > 0
    		Debug.Notification(totalItems + " item(s) donated!")
    		While (itemIndex < totalItems)
    			Form checkItem = self.GetNthForm(itemIndex)
    			itemValue = getPrice(checkItem, self)
    			totalValue += itemValue
    			Debug.Notification(checkItem.GetName() + " is worth " + itemValue)
    			itemIndex += 1
    		Debug.Notification("Total value: " + totalValue)
    		Debug.Notification("No items donated!")
    Int Function getPrice(Form checkItem, ObjectReference akActionRef)
    	Int itemValue = 0
    	Int itemCharge = 0
    	Int enchantmentValue = 0
    	Enchantment itemEnchantment = None
    	ObjectReference checkItemObject = akActionRef.RemoveItem(checkItem, 1)
    	If (checkItem.getType() == 41)
    		itemEnchantment = (checkItem as Weapon).getEnchantment()
    		If (itemEnchantment)
    			itemCharge = checkItemObject.GetItemCharge() as Int
    			enchantmentValue = (itemEnchantment.getGoldValue() * 8) + (itemCharge * 0.12) as Int
    	ElseIf (checkItem.getType() == 26)
    		itemEnchantment = (checkItem as Armor).getEnchantment()
    		If (itemEnchantment)
    			enchantmentValue = itemEnchantment.getGoldValue()
    	if (itemEnchantment)
    		itemValue = checkItem.getGoldValue() + enchantmentValue
    		itemValue = checkItem.getGoldValue()
    	return itemValue
  9. TBH, I'd rather write a new mod than convert a five year old one that's gotten stagnant, fresh blood and all that. If you want, I'd be happy to collaborate on trying to write something even better!

  10. Many years ago, there was a mysterious man known as the Confectioner. Over the years, he created the most exquisite sweets in all of Tamriel until, one day, he simply vanished without a trace. With no record of his true identity, his secrets seemed to have been taken to his grave... or have they?

    Follow the clues to find the lost Staff of the Confectioner and claim it for your own!


    Confectioner adds a new, unique staff which turns sour people sweet! Because we believe in maintaining some semblance of immersion, we won't simply give you the staff; there is a short quest to find it, along with plenty of accompanying lore.





    No known conflicts







    Release 1.0.0 (5/31/2018)

    • Initial release!

    Release 1.0.1 (6/1/2018)

    • Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented static objects in the quest area from appearing.



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