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Nexus Mods Profile

About Mitchie22

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim, Fallout, Swtor
  1. I suggest Looking up Nightasy on youtube, he does really amazing tutorials on making armor and clothing.
  2. I wish i could make a tutorial but im very lazy and would prolly be convinced if i was given money but i dont like people paying me to make something for them to enjoy! to me Joy overides Money!
  3. You Want to go into world objects tab, click static then go to architecture then into whichever other tab you want after that, then when experiment with the items in the tabs and drag them into the render window!
  4. Ive used favour souls and sun dracon... i want the buff n bulky look :/ Favour and soul dont really take on that aspect to me, when i saw the Roberts Body texture i flipped s*** and said "omg look finally a good looking male body that would work amazingly with my new Skeleton edit!"
  5. wow... that looks nothing like the oblivion one... i saw a pic with Roberts body for skyrim but doesn't look like that!
  6. Does anyone know how to get the body re-placer for Skyrim? I'v seen it in pictures but i don't see it in the file listings.....
  7. Help please someone :( i need help on learning how to make Skyrim weapons but it isn't working... I Import the meshes for the swords but they don't have a skin or Bsdismemberment system, I also use 3ds Max. Come on if anyone is able to help please do! Pm me, or reply here. I'm trying to make a weapons mod and Armor mod.
  8. Somuchmonsters is too confusing and quick in his video tutorials, anyone know anyone else good with making swords and skinning them and giving them BSdismemberment?
  9. Hey i was wondering if anyone was able to help me... when i add my bow into the CK im unable to edit where it goes, when i click on it it simply clicks on the item behind it as if it wasnt there, and when i went in game i wasnt able to pic it up and it didnt give me the option to do so!
  10. I have modding skills with 3ds max, and the creation kit and nifskope... the best that im at is creating characters the exterior and interior design such as funiture and stuff, the only thing i dont know how to do is script add effects... i can do the dungeon layout and exterior lay out but... i have trouble with it such as clipping >.> which seems to bug a lot of people, I'm good with giving story lines to characters and adding spells.
  11. If there is anyone that is good at scripting, quest making, effects, Race building and dungeon/interior design please PM me or post on here! Answer the famous and most greatest question to ever be solved... Where did the Dwemer disappear to? Description of unofficial DLC: A wandering trader has stopped into Markarth offering a fine beautiful and dazzling crown, the one thing he asks as payment is the Skull of a Dwemer... along going through the hidden Dwemer ruins up in the high mountains you find the skull perched in the center of a large room. The skull is human looking but not the size you expected, hearing of the Dwemer being Dwarfs you expected the skull to be much.... smaller, instead its just about bigger than your own head! Confused and mislead you return to the trader and the traders eyes widen in disbelief, he gives you the crown and it mounts itself upon your head and your unable to remove it, the first day of wearing it you begin to hear whispers, the second day of wearing it you see spirits and remnants of the Ancient past, and the final day of wearing it a tall cloaked man materializes in front of you and asks of you to return.... but return to where?
  12. thats not the problem :/ thats for animations! my attempt to what i wanna do is make the male body skinnier and the shoulder more broad, like in Better males mod, except not completely over done!
  13. I insist on watching Nightasy on youtube! he makes armors and theres around 50+ videos on the whole process, im honestly in love with his videos and go there when i need help!
  14. Ive been having this problem where i edit the skeleton in 3dsmax and then when i test it out my camera is on the ground and im in first person view and unable to go into 3rd person view! if you know how to mod skeletons please help me :(
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