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Everything posted by bammy292

  1. Still not much luck fixing the problem, the game will now run for a wee while with a CTD every now and then, still same new game problem.
  2. So i update my post, cleansed it, added some more useful information, i'm sure i missed something but sleep calls me. If you need anything else please ask :)
  3. It's amazing how much time you can save if you actually read the instructions. That is true, but for me as i'm reading the loot tutorial it just seems over complicated, i'm not sure what i am being told really, probably just me always had trouble understating things easily, but i'll persevere so i can provide any information that can help anyone willing to help. thanks for the link! i'll add my loot log soon as i know what i am doing :)
  4. Thanks for the reply mucho apreachado my computer thanks you for trying to save it's life :tongue: No that is not my actual load order, i went browsing and found out about "loot" "wyre bash" and "TES5Edit" gave them a shot, the screen shot will be posted of wyre bash result will be posted, i'm not sure on how to use any of them really, should really read the instructions but half the time there over complicated, i managed to get my wyre bash load order all green so that's something... Right?.. All mods but one are installed through NMM the only one that was not was because that file was no longer on the nexus for what ever reason. Hu i never thought the unofficial patches made that much of a difference.. guess they kinda do i'll be sure to download them! as for "SSME" no i am not, i never heard of it until you mentioned it, i'll look in to that also, thank you. So before posting i went and tried SSME, idk if it was that but i can now fast travel, so thank you for that! that's one small problem out of the way. Hopefully now i can start a new game but i'm not going to until i can assure my self and those who know a fair bit more than me that my game is stable :smile:
  5. Hello lovely people of the internet, i am here to ask for your help in saving my computers life as i am overly curious if throwing out of my window.. then of a sky scraper then out of a plane will perhaps make my mods/pc stop being a massive s***, excuse my french. So.. The title sort of says it all really but I'll go a little in depth in the hopes of making both our life's a little easier. So like anyone else who has any Bethesda game and access to the internet i dived in to the world of modding. the mod list which will be lurking somewhere on this post will show my mods and such now before i got any further i would like it stated that this PC although it may have a semi good GPU and shizzles it is beyond screwed and i mean that, if this thing does not blue screen once i day i start to get worried for it's safety that's even after i wiped it and rebuild ALL the software buuuut hey ho money's tight and a good pc to last me a few years aint cheap, so with that out the way let's get down to business shall we? oh and excuse the lack of English i forget how to English at times... they do in fact work fine on a save that i created to test all mods and stuff, so that save will be full of scripts used, from a fair few mods. it has a fair few CTD (Crash to Desktop) moments but that is just from trying to load the save, once i get in to the game i'm perfectly fine, unless i try to fast travel then CTD.. but i have the "coc" command which somehow only works when i go to whiterun anywhere else and nothing happens.. Okay perhaps all is not well, but i remove and add mods to the game and test them on this singular save, i have no other saves apart from this one. which is bugged to crap, so i got a fair few new quest mods. one of which may have caused the fast travel bug, i kinda gave up for the safety of my PC and my sanity, i kinda figured that so many unused scripts and shizzles could caused problems so i decided to settle with what mods i have and start a new game for the sake of fresh scripts and shizzles as i don't think i have ever got a mod that does not tell me to do such a thing, so off i went to create my character spend a fair while making a cool looking mage. pretty chuffed with the result and BOOM, CTD i'm used to random CTD moments so i ignored and tried again.. and again.. and again.. and well you can kinda see where this is going.. me and my pc no longer being fwends, so my brilliant people of the internet i know this is a very long shot in the dark but hey it's the internet and your my last resort before NASA wonder how a PC ended up on moon. So please find attached any information i believe will help you. Mod list, this is not my Load order just my Download order. i'm listing my mods like this as du to my pc and steam being a poo, my pc thought skyrim was uninstalled, i lost my saves but not my mods. pretty sure loot loader will pick them all up but just in case: Key notes to make life easier: SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) : 1.7.1 No unofficial patches Not sure on my game version, how would one check? all dlc I'm using NMM: 0.54.10 Additional programs: Loot Wyre and tes5edit Game location: D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Pc Specs: Wyre screen: So after some help from the lovely mods i got my head around loot so please find attached the loot mod load order, i still have much to do, i cleaned all my master files before posting, i'll do the mods soon in the hope that helps. any other info you need please ask. Looking to be done with dovakin hideout, not to fussed about that mod. Loot Details: Thanks for reading, i look forward to hearing from you if you decide to take on what has proberly already made you gone "what the truck"
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