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About rawkus1977

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  1. Settle down dudes, it's just moved off-site, best way to find out about updates....the way I do it anyway, just wait for a notification from one of your mods on the nexus that it has been updated for 2077/CET, and then follow their link back to update CET, first. Simple. Both Skyrim and Fallout 4 are dependent on mods, 'Script extenders' that are off site. We'll be right.....I hope :wink:
  2. You could try disabling the traffic, and re-enabling it(a few mods capable of this already). It might reset the spawns for the cars stuck in your pad... GL man.
  3. Second this for sure, all those bottles and cartons, man....they are just everywhere!
  4. Has it's caveats but https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/775 gets the job done for me right now(early days).
  5. Whilst they generally suck, I'm just checking to make sure you know they have a high-beam in-game, 3 toggles, off, low-beam, high-beam/lightbar. But yeah they are generally a bit....s#*!.
  6. I get what you are saying, a handful of vehicles have V8's in this though, and some of those have exhaust outlets near the drivers head, these are the ones I refer too as 'bad'. A personal preference too be sure. I wouldn't buy a Tesla, it's too quiet :laugh: small children should cry as I pass
  7. Not sure about the others, but I really just want a standalone mod, thanks though.
  8. Completely agree, after seeing the vid about how they recorded the vehicle audio, I thought it would be great....it's actually terrible though(across the board). Tried hunting through files myself...to no avail, I hope someone can figure this out.
  9. Good stuff, thanks mate. I can get rid of my reshade now :laugh: Comparison - https://imgsli.com/MzQ0MTE
  10. Please someone help us illuminte! :geek: Kills me not having a torch or something running a dark reshade.
  11. Same issue here :confused: Getting sick of checking them to be honest.
  12. I've searched and searched for a way to extend the view distance whilst in the Vertibird....to no avail. :confused: I've tried editing the "fVanityModeMaxDist" which had no effect. I use the Vertibird a fair amount and want to be able to have a better view than just the Vertibird filling the screen! Can someone assist me, or at least point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance...
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