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  1. Can't you not wait while in combat?
  2. Monsters will stay as red dots on my compass even after I've put a lot of distance, no matter how much I crouch it keeps me in combat mode. Any help?
  3. So, I've been having this issue where upon an animal or whatever spotting me and wanting to hurt me -- and me being a low level I prombtly run away and try and sneak to get out of combat mode. But that's the issue, no matter how far I get from this monster (A crab) it stayed a red dot on my compass. It said I was still in combat mode even though it was like a mile away, so I finally ran alllll the way over to it and killed it. That stopped the issue. But it happens now with any monster that I don't kill and run away and try and hide from. No people freak out as if there was a monster around either. I really have no idea what could be causing this problem.... Has anyone else had this problem? How do I fix it?
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