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  1. I prefer to speak languages I know more than a few words ;)
  2. un pic Sund deaorece ucrainean
  3. haha i have friends
  4. if im in the imperal city and look down i see a map of the imperal city
  5. the ground like the dirt but not the grass and everywhere except hawkhaven
  6. does anyone know how to fix a error that causes my ground to look like the area i'm in. i've learned if you take of distant land it fixes it but it kinda annoys me. an when i play the game and use certain armors it cause my characters chest to stretch in first person.
  7. send a link to it when your are done
  8. i've made a custom iron armor and i don't know how to put it IN the game i've made it but i can't use it. any suggestions P.S. i wrote this for my friend he did not know how to word it so i did it for him i'm still learning how to make mods he already sorta knows
  9. well i can probably use it can you do the suit to? if so we could just let you do the modeling and someone else do the animations and meshes,textures, etc.
  10. I have always hated the fact that in oblivion that, when you sleep you just sleep no resting.i you have ever played minecraft or, the sims you know how you can lay in a bed but, not go to "sleep". it would require minor animations and a little scripting but by my view very easy.ps i've always wanted to just lay under the tamrial stars and think ahhh...are these stars or planets and is that a moon?
  11. I have always hated the fact that in oblivion that, when you sleep you just sleep no resting.i you have ever played minecraft or, the sims you know how you can lay in a bed but, not go to "sleep". it would require minor animations and a little scripting but by my view very easy.ps i've always wanted to just lay under the tamrial stars and think ahhh...are these stars or planets and is that a moon? umm. i dont know How but ignore this one i somehow ended up posting two
  12. I'm new to the modding world and while i did mod call of duty and minecraft oblivion is much more difficult. I have all the required programs.Is there any chance of getting help from experts i need to know just the basics but advanced would help. Oh and thanks for reading (most people won't cause i'm a newb on this site).
  13. i apolgize but i forgot to add that if you put the sword in make where you have to use it and level it up to gain new and stronger powers. no real warrior gets all his power at once
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