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Everything posted by amerem

  1. Load order keep crashing I organized with loot first and then went through the order with wyre bash and moved them around so they turned green but I can't get past the ghosts in the alternate start cave without it crashing...? never had any issues with the mod b4 so is it something else?
  2. Lol if I knew how to animate I would so do this haha maybe its time to try my hand at it?
  3. The outfit is kinda sexy lol and it seems like a good idea
  4. The sword itself looks simple enough to do well kinda lol I might try my hand at modelling it but I can't do textures
  5. Just use the body switcher mod you can change body types on the fly I don't remember the link. Ill try to find it lol
  6. Looks cool lol but may be hard to do someone with some skillz would have to choose to pick this up lol
  7. Hmm perhaps I could have a go at the model as for textures and such I can't help there lol and I may have time to go through tuts to "attempt" the coat lol does look cool
  8. you could try getting the 4gb patcher lol http://www.ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php just follow the instructions and you should be good to go
  9. Wow if I get good at modeling and mapping I might try my hand at these lol
  10. you may want to look at your shadow settings in your ini file
  11. Im not sure what that is but im guessing its supposed to be there? lol sorry i dont have this game for pc
  12. you would need the creation kit and that would be called a mash up though i think thats been done im just not sure where
  13. Amerem ishtazia *I think i spelled that right* sp 1mil or so Corp U.O.G P.S im a noob
  14. lol your new here huh? while I will agree that there is a lot of skimpy Armour if your that upset about it why not try modding yourself?
  15. <span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 13px;">its proably all the textures eating your VRAM lol you could try killing some system proccesses by using game booster and maybe try this out? http://oblivion.nexu....com/mods/23208 or you could set it to use only 2 cores instead of 4 also try the "tlb" command in the command console. It may also be that Oblivion is thinking your graphics card is something else lol</span><div><br></div>
  16. you obviously arent installing it right, copy everything except the source folder to your skyrim installation make sure you have the latest skyrim version 1.8 whatever and use skse 1.6.06
  17. I think this would be awesome as well lol
  18. hmmm its too big i would down size it a bit to be more accurate
  19. lol dead links help no one and while those look cool idk if they would be easy lol
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