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About pulsehakurei

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  1. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/289746/? im trying to figure out what mods and settings i need to have my characters look like this or even come close to it can anyone help me out and give me a list of what i need to make this happen?
  2. id really hope someone would, especially the plate armor pieces, it looks down right sexy
  3. http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/bVruBlaOl0w/maxresdefault.jpghttp://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg292/kurosaki_akane/MabinogiH-Vella_hairstyles03.jpg like how can i get these kind of bodies and faces? or if anything you know that can get close?
  4. http://vsnobs.com/media/wp-content/gallery/s2ep2-armor/fiona-heremon-set2.jpghttp://25.media.tumblr.com/48d7c377bff818b7b9b81898db3162b6/tumblr_miv2yyhgEf1rn8ofxo1_500.jpghttp://vsnobs.com/media/wp-content/gallery/s2ep2-armor/fiona-heremon-set1.jpghttp://vsnobs.com/media/wp-content/gallery/s2ep2-armor/vella-heremon-set2.jpg and i really love this armor set, its basicly sexy plate armor if anyone can make it happen?
  5. http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa331/dawnchaotic/2013_01_15_0007_zpsc6364407.jpg vella's apocraphyl set http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa331/dawnchaotic/2013_01_15_0005_zpsaf708367.jpghttp://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa331/dawnchaotic/2013_01_15_0009_zpse95a7c01.jpg vella's pirate set http://vindictushq.com/wordpress/vhq/wp-content/gallery/season-2-equipment/pirate1.jpg http://vindictushq.com/wordpress/vhq/wp-content/gallery/season-2-equipment/pirate1.jpg http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa331/dawnchaotic/2012_12_19_0002_zps5e2f0c5e.jpg white shark twin swords http://vsnobs.com/media/wp-content/gallery/s2ep2-extra-weapons/noblesse-twin-swords1.jpg noblesse twin swords miscellany sets and gear that have some nice pieces http://picload.org/image/alllprr/2013_04_01_0008.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yHfeTsY.jpg http://img0.mmo.mmo4arab.com/vindictus/images/sets/evie/crimson_blade_youth_set.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/85e9b1d406a378b532fc35c1ed59cdb4/tumblr_mmdx8oohtr1rn8ofxo3_r1_1280.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/601203_469172959836448_2035952476_n.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/29wq2ol.png and a video for typical gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IWPfssYw6w
  6. vindictus has some insanely nice gear, like raiders set, apocraphyl, nighthawk ect... and some great weapons like noblesse swords, white shark twin swords ect but what would be even more interesting is if someone could make the bosses from vindictus as many are very unique and make a dungeon with them at the end. what you guys think? its pretty possible for someone to create this, or if its already out please tell me
  7. anyone got a mod for playable teen/children(that look good)?
  8. after a long respite from skyrim, i find myself intrigued to glance back towards it. i remember the times i've had and enjoyed, but i need help! i have been away so long i can't even fathom on what to download i'm looking to have a challenge when i play, and i also like my female eye-candy can someone make me a list of great mods to add difficult to skyrim? as well as a list of mods for young pretty girls (i like young, not loli young, but like she is of age....barely XD) thanks in advance, ill be checking back every few moments
  9. okay there are two kinds of mods that im aware of. ones that use NMM and ones that must be installed manually. i can do the NMM mods just fine but all the good mods are manual installs can someone give me detailed steps how to install? or more specifically how to install "children of the sky r2" i have no idea what im doing to be honest and would love some experienced help thank you much!
  10. okay there are two kinds of mods that im aware of. ones that use NMM and ones that must be installed manually. i can do the NMM mods just fine but all the good mods are manual installs can someone give me detailed steps how to install? or more specifically how to install "children of the sky r2" i have no idea what im doing to be honest and would love some experienced help thank you much!
  11. can someone make a playable kid/teen race or if there is a race send me a link please if it is a manual mod can you put pics on how to install it i dont know how to manually instal mods if it comes to it
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