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  1. I dunno if I'm authorized to ask this but I know that the MMM mod need some models for the animal "junk" items like molerat teeth and mirelurk claws. currently they use the "deathclaw hand" model which kinda breaks the illusion.
  2. I kinda feel like I'm the only one who goes to the fallout wiki. I mean... doesn't anyone know that the enclave had access to monitoring equipment that covered at least the west coast vaults? That's how they found Vault 13. They knew it would have baseline humans 'cause it was a control group (unlike what that guy said earlier about it being one of those vaults that dealt with stress due to equipment failure) hell, the whole reason the vault dweller was kicked out at the end of fallout 1 was 'cause he threatened the purity of the control scenario. what I wanna know is "Why is Washington so special?" Over in California you're lucky to find 3 vaults in various states (and one fake one if you get duped) but in the D.C wastes you're practically tripping over the damn things. I also agree with the guy who said that the 101 experiment failed when the second overseer spread the secret. it turned into a study of peoples response lo a lack of hope for anything different to a Santa Clause scenario where the elders dupe the kids.
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