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About Shanamah

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  1. The relevant files are in C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\packages\core\data (or wherever your DAO is installed) - modelmeshdata.erf & modelhierarchies.erf. There are several, all named variations of "hro_fie_blackcity". The associated textures are "hro_fie_citymap_d.dds" and "hro_fie_bdb_d.dds", located in textures.erf.
  2. When you say you changed her appearance, did you change "appearance_type", or her race? You could also try messing with equipmentlayout.gda.
  3. Discord is closer to old chat rooms. But, I forgot, I did upload a text list of DLC item props already, here: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5564?tab=files
  4. I would suggest to check out the DAO Modding Discord. https://discord.gg/bU3Svxa
  5. Make sure they're named correctly, [stringID]_m.wav, and put them in \Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\modules\Single Player\override\toolsetexport, or in the module's toolsetexport folder if you're working in a new module. Then click on the Root node of your soundset, and under Tools, do 'Generate VO Local'. The .wavs have to be 24000Hz, Signed 16-bit PCM, otherwise it'll throw an error. If that toolsetexport folder doesn't work, try a different one. The workings of the toolset are sometimes unfathomable.
  6. sys_rewards_h is an "include" file, meaning it can't be compiled on its own, it must be included in another file via the #include header. The toolset wiki linked by TSM is an excellent place to start; there's also a DAO modding Discord that's fairly active: https://discord.gg/bU3Svxa
  7. Bioware default hair tints all start with "t3_har_". There will also be a matching "t3_stb_" (stubble). You can see examples on the Toolset Wiki: http://www.datoolset.net/wiki/Morph
  8. It's not a separate UTC; there's a scripted equipment change if Leliana has been hardened. The new equipment is set by "epi_constants_h.nss".
  9. I suspect you could if the cutscene area was part of the same area list. The game loads all resources on a given area list together.
  10. The game is very particular about what is a "safe" position for spawning objects, and will automatically move things to the nearest safe position. SetPosition can be used to move things back to "unsafe" positions. http://www.datoolset.net/wiki/SetPosition
  11. In the .mao, do you have the semantic set to AlphaArmourSkinTint?
  12. Isabela Variation uses clothing_variation #186, which is also used in Improved Atmosphere and Kirkwall Exports. You'll need to either remove the conflicting mod, or fix it yourself. TSM has a nice guide here: https://kinlochhold.tumblr.com/post/137349892157/how-to-eliminate-item-variation-conflicts
  13. Here you go: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5564?tab=files Enjoy!
  14. That's pretty simple. :) Do you want it as an additional hairstyle, or replacing the original?
  15. That looks like the Elven Adapt Robe from Loincloth Fashion (https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/3914). The runscript is "get_daad".
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