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Everything posted by Ulfric1

  1. The only other thing I can think of then is to raise the weapon's speed just high enough to give it a DPS rating...maybe lower the damage a little to compensate?
  2. And there's nothing in the Plugins tab either?
  3. That's the problem exactly, actually. I'm trying to get him to use a bow from Recurve Longbows . The bows are powerful, but have a super slow draw time. This makes the damage per second equal "0". So the NPC thinks the bow does zero damage. -_- He'll use it if there are no bows in his inventory; but even so, he'd be just as likely to pick up a wooden bow off the ground and use that instead. I could try fiddling with it a bit, but it's the draw time that keeps the bow from being seriously OP. Thats a tough one...how about putting an equip command within OnUnequip to force him to reequip the weapon? Event OnUnequipped(Actor Actref) Then have him equip the bow. You can then put in other conditions to limit when this line would run.
  4. If you can't force him to use it, how about making the weapon more attractive to the ai? Unless that would break the purpose of your weapon, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish.
  5. Does anything show up on the screen that appears or is it blank? And does it say "Nexus Mod Manager -Skyrim" at the top of the window?
  6. I'm working on a mod for perks and I was just wondering what the formulas are for Magic Cost and Weapon Damage. Anything related would be appreciated. :smile:
  7. I tried doing a search for children, and I couldn't find any that added more races. I did find an Orsimer race earlier but that was it. Do you know the names of any of the mods? edit: Let me rephrase that, I did a search of mods that contained the word children. lol
  8. I was just wondering if anyone had added child races/npcs for non-Human races yet? I haven't seen any on Nexus.
  9. I'm very happy with how the site runs actually...you could say I see a 100% uptime on my end. :) Sounds like you have a plan, and a good one too, so thank you for this great resource site for modders bro!
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