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About tigerfrenzy

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    Skyrim/PC ((derp))

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  1. So I was wondering. You see I like my settlements to have a variety of beings, like for example: Vanilla Humans, Vanilla Ghouls, Glowing One Ghouls ((Like Nuka world Oswald)), Crimes Against Nature races, Furries (If your into that), anime girls and boys, etc. Basically I ask a batch .txt file to summon a unique settler to the PC so they can go into build mode and move them into said settlement and not rely on the in game randomized lottery and hopefully not get a duplicate.
  2. I can back this, also add "The Abbey of the Road" too and other pre-war christianity religion. Maybe have a potential settlement boon to having a set religion for that settlement.
  3. So I saw these little critters as cut content from the original fallout game but somehow managed to make it to the fallout bible i believe. Brian, one of the quest/storywriter of the game poured his heart and soul into these guys and after reading the information i honestly felt a new vegas like bond towards them. I urge you guys to do the research: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/S%27Lanter But I digress, MY hopes is to have a S'lanter npc race or even better S'lanter playable race. I understand it is a sorta odd request with the whole taboo of furry fandom but I can't help but think the idea is awesome. I mean think about it! You start go on as usual heading into vault 111 passing the intro and then you pickup a radio frequency and it has a lot of chittering and squeaking, speaking in an unknown language but clearly sentient you track the signal down to a location of a tunnel system where you meet a group of friendly (Top-Dwellers) s'lanter fighting hostile (Den-Dwellers) S'lanter that they are looking to pass the glowing sea but was forced to burrow UNDER it to prevent such radiation poisoning ((because apparently they aren't immune like most mutants)). However there friends and family have been taken and they request the sole-survivor's help to assist in rescuing as much of their kin as possible ((this would be good to open up a potential settlement underground tunnel system similiar to fallout 3 little lamplight that can be recruited for BoS/Minutemen/Nuka-World/railroad safehouse. I hope you guys consider it, it doesn't have to be cannon.
  5. I mean shoot the main beef if them getting grossed out or sticking their nose up towards me, I found Codsworth, Porter Gage & Strong have no beef whatsoever and Hancock is a mellow dude but still isn't entirely for that thought of it ((least in dialog)) 2
  6. Dunno about you guys, but I hate the cannibal perk and how everyone but Strong finds it disgusting or the like. Now I would be all for it if I can do it without the judgment of my companions but nope. SO! I thought why not devour something that ISN'T human or sentient. Like Mirelurks, radstags, deathclaws, radroaches, etc. There are tons of creatures in the wasteland and yet you are only limited to eating people raw without penalty and not having to loot them...
  7. One Tweak on skyrim nexus has this issue too: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40706?tab=files
  8. I'm looking for a full list of kill-move animations ranging from usable weapons to creature victory kill-moves ((Including mid-battle melee's like slides, throwdowns, kicks, trips, even deathclaw throws and bloodbug sucks)) Reason I ask this is I could've sworn there is an animation for deathclaws fighting feral ghouls and shoving their claw semi-horizontally into their stomach and another kill move where a deathclaw just outright stomps on a mole rat killing it. If you can spot those and verify it I will appreciate it and also list all the kill-moves you guys are aware of and place it in .txt file so I can look through them. Much obliged, cheers.
  9. It's easier to just make preston not even acknowledge you being a raider. All you have to do is delete any minutemen related quests in nuka world esm via fo4edit and then some.
  10. Actually it is possible just need the right meshes and textures and possibly a unrestricted face customization in character creator.
  11. I don't think "yiff" is the right word unless you mean SEXY. Also these are nice textures by chance are you going to release them as a playable race?
  12. Problem is with argonians porting over is that Bethesda may not like it and if they potentially don't like it then Nexus sure as hell won't. Just assuming. But if one was to make their OWN lizardlike race without using other bethesda game files then it may be ok.
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