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Posts posted by kraag

  1. There's many different leveled lists for raiders depending on what is being distributed, weapon, ammo, armor, misc object, food etc, so you need to put it in the right one(s). Chance None is the percentage of a chance the game has to not choose an item marked so. You can use chance none on the list itself or individual items within the list.


    [0006D4B9] Conatiner_Loot_Cabinet_Garage <--- this LL has good examples of using chance none.


    If you want to make certain that an item spawns on an npc via leveled lists, do not use chance none.


    Using FO4Edit can make this very simple.

  2. I bring this up because I like to "borrow" npc's from time to time. Big epic battles are always fun in my book. I usually try to stick to the non-essential/no story references type of npcs. Sometimes you can change thier looks which I like to do. It can be a bit of a pain in confined interiors, but, out in the open it can be fun. Watching your "team" take on another sizable force is entertaining.


    The thing is that there are no mods which let you do this like say AFT(amazing follower tweaks) like in Skyrim. Sure you can get a follower through console. The problem is that they are buggy this way. For instance, I cannot heal them when they go into a knockdown state and I have found no way around this.


    So I guess my question is also if anyone knows of a reliable way to make a follower of any npc. Having some kind of way to make reliable followers out of most of the CW -like in Skyrim- would be so much fun IMO. :D


    Here are some things I have learned so far and note that capitalization doesn't matter;

    1) To make a companion of an NPC you need to dismiss any regular followers first. For some reason when I "recruit" a random NPC it causes glitches with regular followers. After you finish though you can recruit regulars just fine.

    2) Open the console with the tilde key and click on the NPC you want making sure your on them and not something else.

    3) type "TAI" to toggle your targets AI. This will give you a message saying like "male AI off" or "female AI off".

    4) type "TCAI" to toggle combat AI.

    5) type "setconsolescopequest_followers"

    6) type "forcerefintoalias_companion" or "forcerefintoalias_dogmeatcompanion" to make them behave like Dogmeat.

    7) type "setplayerteammate_1" - 1 is human. 2 I'm not sure. 3 I'm not sure. 4 is robot companion.

    8 type "setrelationshiprank_player._4" -actually 1,2,3,4 are the different ranks of affinity with 4 being the highest.

    9) now type "TAI" and "TCAI" to turn on their AI.


    That's it. You now have a new follower. Like I said, they are somewhat buggy. But I usually do not have many problems besides the one stated above. Again if anyone knows a better way- then please share. :smile:


    EDIT; You will need a multiple follower mod to allow for more than 1 companion at a time. Also, testing shows that npc followers in knock-down state will reset with fast travel.


    Unlimited Companion Framework has a feature called "Quick Recruit" and "Quick Recruit Eligible Only" which lets you recruit almost any npc in the game. Non-eligible followers don't have any follower dialogue, so you have to dismiss them with "Dismiss Ineligible Companions" in the UCF holotape menu.

  3. Here's a technical overview of the files in the new hd texture ba2


    [FO4] Technical details about the HD DLC! : FalloutMods



    And so Bethesda is calling this HD texture pack a "Love Letter to our PC fans", well you can stick that love letter PeteEmilTodd - I'm sick of your corporate frugalness, it's shone through in FO4 like a dog turd that is coated in .5 microns of gold filigree and a plastic cherry on top.


    All the people I know that play games had no problem with fallout 4. None of them mod games & all have i5s,i7s with GTX 970/980s at the time. They played for a few weeks & then went back to their MMOs. I played for over 1100 hours before I started to have problems.


    Now on a new saves I get a 60fps 98% of time in Boston. My old saves are like a roller coasters with pauses & some stutter. I am partly to blame because I like to add NPCs to the game & I think mods like CBBE add up with human factions.

    Mostly things are not constant. If I hear gunfire & explosions in the distance I know I am going have a bumpy ride through Boston. If it is quiet I get 60fps most of the time.


    The performance of my game fell apart with the arrival of Nuka World & my new GTX 1080.


    Nvidia drivers have not been good to this game especially if you have a 1000 series card. Updating from a GTX 980 ti to a GTX 1080 you would think you are going to have better performance. I went from very playable to unplayable. I stopped playing Fallout 4.

    After building a GTX 980 it SLI rig I started playing again. It now takes 2 GTX 980 tis to get about the same performance I got with one at UHD/4k before Nuka World.


    Performance have improved with driver updates & Fallout 4 is playable again on the my 1080 but at 1440 resolution & the 980 tis are still doing a better job at keeping things smooth.



    Wow, but not surprised though. Its like most new things, they work better than the previous lot, on paper, but it takes time for them to get going. Unfortunately with the pace of computers its a little hard to keep up. And it translates to games. Its all become monetized now, investors, DEADlines (which ironically is what kills some games) all that stuff forces a rushed product and you just end up with a less than average game. All this focus on everything BUT the game and the people making it.

    As well as with the increase of data in games, I think thats where a LOT of bugs come from. go back about 10-15 years. games worked...why? because they were simple, the gameplay was fun, it wasn't overly complex, and it wasn't 30+ GB. So people didn't get lost in stacks and stacks of code, and having to try and find bugs in such a massive haystack.You still get the odd gem, GTA V for example, but they are few and far between now. I could be way off in my statement, but I'm 31 and started off on a pc when I was about 7 playing a game called jezzball. went through consoles like most kids and now back on PC. So I have an idea.



    Don't forget that Rockstar spent TWO YEARS optimizing the PC version of the game AFTER they released the first XB and PS versions.


    The rise of some dictatorial figure in the Commonwealth, who seeks to unite the raiders, gunners, feral ghouls, and mirelurks under the banner of Boston First. Maybe even propose the idea of building a big wall at the southern border of the Commonwealth, with the promise of keeping the radiation at bay. Hope that could qualify as science fiction.


    Naahhhh. Everyone would hate that guy. :tongue:



    Not everyone, just the ones that let mainstream media do their thinking for them.

  6. In response to post #43240755. #43241360, #43241745, #43244095, #43245180, #43246510, #43256670, #43313010, #43405860 are all replies on the same post.

    GamerPoets wrote: One thing that I'm curious about and I didn't seem to find anywhere...

    Will there still be (or the potential to retain) the ability (from MO) to view individual files that are being overwritten by others mods so that you can easily skim through them (each mod) and hide particular files from each mod?

    ex: 1 texture from this mod (hide), 1 mesh from that mod(hide), so on... ?

    One thing that I loved about M.O. was if I installed different texture mods I didn't have to worry about loosing the pieces of one that is already installed when installing new mods that overwrite parts of them. I could click a button and have a file from any mod at any time hidden or activated.
    christoph392008 wrote: Seconded. Love that feature.
    TehPikachuHat wrote: Thirded.
    ElRizzo wrote: Foured.
    Achromatis wrote: Fifthed?! This is exactly the sort of thing that currently makes me use MO over NMM.
    yuiop321 wrote: Sixth'd
    Tannin42 wrote: I have to be a bit careful how I answer questions like these. ;)
    This feature is on our to-do list and I see no reason why we would drop it but I can't give you any guarantee.
    I can also not promise if it will be in the initial release or if it will be added at a later time because we haven't committed to a release-strategy here.
    GamerPoets wrote: Fair enough = ) .. fingers crossed...
    azamjad wrote: There has to be mod isolation like in MO. There just has to be. Please tell me that is what will be! :(

    I'd like to clarify this because I am seeing it everywhere on the internet - there is no "thirded", "fourthed" or "fifthed" - if you agree with the initial statement, it is only ever "seconded", even if you are the fiftieth person agreeing, you still only "second" the motion.

    Read this- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_%28parliamentary_procedure%29
  7. Zanity, read all your posts in this thread and must say you bring up some fair and valid points.

    This game is terrible on consoles and the PC port is 100x worse. The PC version could have done with some basic optimization at the very least, like a PC monitor-based user interface and dialogue controls and better mouse/keyboard support.


    Also, I can't stand the male voiced protagonist, he sounds like a 40-year old going on 14. Creepy - not to mention how it kills 80% of modding potential for mods that add dialogue for quests.


    The graphics are a slight step up from Skyrim engine - but still - the LOD texture degradation system is DOA. Pathetic really.

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