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Everything posted by kraag

  1. Please help to make the world we're living in better.
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48351/ SKS Simonov
  3. For myself Texture Load Workaround tweaks increase game load times significantly, but the trade off is well worth it. No more muddy, low quality LOD textures anywhere.
  4. Sim Settlements "Find Unemployed" or "Find Homeless" feature spell does that. There was a bug in old versions that would make the Switch item break if left on while not in a settlement, but has been fixed.
  5. try this, select piper in console disable resurrect 1 enable
  6. If you are used to playing modern games, anything before GTAIV/EFLC will be sub-par regarding graphics and visuals. The RAGE engine was a huge step up for Rockstar.
  7. There's many different leveled lists for raiders depending on what is being distributed, weapon, ammo, armor, misc object, food etc, so you need to put it in the right one(s). Chance None is the percentage of a chance the game has to not choose an item marked so. You can use chance none on the list itself or individual items within the list. [0006D4B9] Conatiner_Loot_Cabinet_Garage <--- this LL has good examples of using chance none. If you want to make certain that an item spawns on an npc via leveled lists, do not use chance none. Using FO4Edit can make this very simple.
  8. Unlimited Companion Framework has a feature called "Quick Recruit" and "Quick Recruit Eligible Only" which lets you recruit almost any npc in the game. Non-eligible followers don't have any follower dialogue, so you have to dismiss them with "Dismiss Ineligible Companions" in the UCF holotape menu.
  9. Please post a source of information for that statement.
  10. Pipe 'B' Gone will also remove pipe weapons from the game and replace them with normal weapons.
  11. I have no idea, however looking inside every other ba2 in the game, including DLCs, no other archive has any duplicated folders like this one.
  12. As the title says, has this been discussed? Is it a problem? They contain different files.
  13. In response to post #47649005. #47778130 is also a reply to the same post. Indeed.
  14. Inigo is the greatest npc companion for any game ever created, by far. You should stand proud and tall Gary for all you've done with him and all you continue to do for him, I thank you.
  15. Here's a technical overview of the files in the new hd texture ba2 [FO4] Technical details about the HD DLC! : FalloutMods And so Bethesda is calling this HD texture pack a "Love Letter to our PC fans", well you can stick that love letter PeteEmilTodd - I'm sick of your corporate frugalness, it's shone through in FO4 like a dog turd that is coated in .5 microns of gold filigree and a plastic cherry on top.
  16. Wow, but not surprised though. Its like most new things, they work better than the previous lot, on paper, but it takes time for them to get going. Unfortunately with the pace of computers its a little hard to keep up. And it translates to games. Its all become monetized now, investors, DEADlines (which ironically is what kills some games) all that stuff forces a rushed product and you just end up with a less than average game. All this focus on everything BUT the game and the people making it. As well as with the increase of data in games, I think thats where a LOT of bugs come from. go back about 10-15 years. games worked...why? because they were simple, the gameplay was fun, it wasn't overly complex, and it wasn't 30+ GB. So people didn't get lost in stacks and stacks of code, and having to try and find bugs in such a massive haystack.You still get the odd gem, GTA V for example, but they are few and far between now. I could be way off in my statement, but I'm 31 and started off on a pc when I was about 7 playing a game called jezzball. went through consoles like most kids and now back on PC. So I have an idea. Don't forget that Rockstar spent TWO YEARS optimizing the PC version of the game AFTER they released the first XB and PS versions.
  17. Settler Sandbox Expansion mod should help your Vault 88 settlers use the entirety of the vault area.
  18. Naahhhh. Everyone would hate that guy. :tongue: Not everyone, just the ones that let mainstream media do their thinking for them.
  19. Finally, found one that does what I wanted! Posting this link so others might also find it. Don't Lose Your Head The "low flow" blood textures provided there do exactly like I wanted in the OP. No more comical, over-the-top blood splatters!
  20. MO2 has been forked, a few bug fixes, works for me. mod organizer 2081 beta
  21. Another excited fan of your work bumping your thread so more people can get excited about it ;) Looks GREAT!
  22. In response to post #43240755. #43241360, #43241745, #43244095, #43245180, #43246510, #43256670, #43313010, #43405860 are all replies on the same post. I'd like to clarify this because I am seeing it everywhere on the internet - there is no "thirded", "fourthed" or "fifthed" - if you agree with the initial statement, it is only ever "seconded", even if you are the fiftieth person agreeing, you still only "second" the motion. Read this- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_%28parliamentary_procedure%29
  23. Have steps been taken to ensure this sort of breach will not happen again? [is it even possible to prevent it?]
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