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  1. really need help in my code, still cannot notice a mistake, so bumping...
  2. Hi guys, I wonder what's wrong with my script... It seems that something's wrong with me so I'm doing stupid things the whole day! Problem is: I have the function that runs OnPlayerLoadGame. Function SetCarryWeight() Actor ak = Game.GetPlayer() float icw = ak.GetAV("CarryWeight") CarryWeight_Storage.SetValue(icw) float cw = icw - CarryWeight_Delta.GetValueInt() float cwMax = CarryWeight_Limit.GetValueInt() if cw > cwMax cw = cwMax endIf ak.SetAV("CarryWeight", cw) endFunction And somehow ingame I have CarryWeight set not to cw (if it supposed to be, for example, 125, when Limit is 150), but to cwMax! What's wrong??
  3. Maybe I should use OnStoryScript event, but again, we'll need to extend an ObjectReference of every item to use OnContainerChange...
  4. I've tried to make a discover dead body quest with and without Actor and Dead Actor event refs. Still can't get it to work. Can someone show me how to use that OnStoryDiscoverDeadBody?
  5. Thank you for tips. I thought about using OnStoryDiscoverDeadBody() event to block activation of items when looting, but not really understood how can I work with this. As far as I'm concerned, I need to make a quest with a script extending it and use OnStoryDiscoverDeadBody event there. But this just not works for me, likely because I don't know how to set a quest in CK properly. Here's the approximate code of the script: Scriptname QuestScript extends Quest Hidden ;some properties Event OnStoryDiscoverDeadBody(ObjectReference akActor, ObjectReference akDeadActor, Location akLocation) Debug.MessageBox("Dead body discovered") Actor ak = Game.GetPlayer() if (akActor as Actor) == ak int iFormIndex = akDeadActor.GetNumItems() while iFormIndex > 0 iFormIndex -= 1 Form kForm = akDeadActor.GetNthForm(iFormIndex) if (SomeCondition) (kForm as ObjectReference).BlockActivation(true) else (kForm as ObjectReference).BlockActivation(false) endIf endWhile endIf endEvent So Debug.MessageBox not appears ingame. I really think that I just haven't set proper quest parameters in the CK. Can anyone help me with this? What parameters should I set for a quest? Well, that's just the first part. Next thing is containers which are not dead bodies and no container (World). It's a shame that we haven't got an event like OnContainerOpen(ObjectReference akContainer) because with that event we could simply work with any container (not World) and its items. And I also thought about an event which may allow us to work with any item in the currently loaded world cell (where player is). I was searching for that event, but haven't found it. Imagine how convenient it would be if we could simply Pre-Hook any event :)
  6. The basic idea is that this script is attached to player (NOT to the item) and filters EVERY item that player tries to pick up/loot/etc. For example, if player is looting a dead body and takes a cuirass (when he already had one), the script should prevent him from taking that cuirass.
  7. Thank you, but this event haven't got a "Form akBaseItem" parameter, which is essential for me since I extend ReferenceAlias script, not ObjectReference one.
  8. For example, at the very beginning of the game, in Helgen, the game prevents you from picking items up saying "Your hands are bound." There must be a script for this, but I can't find it.
  9. Hi guys! I wonder if we can make "pre-hooks" in Papyrus. Certain programming languages have something like "EventHookMode_Pre" parameter when hooking an event, which is very convenient. Anyway, how can I prevent player from adding a certain item to the inventory BEFORE he tries to add it? At the moment, my script has something like that: Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Actor ak = Game.GetPlayer() if akBaseItem as Armor ;not exactly this, but some condition int Count = ak.GetItemCount(Keyword.GetKeyword("ArmorHelmet")) + ak.GetItemCount(Keyword.GetKeyword("ClothingHead")) int nCount = Count - 1 if Count > 1 ak.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, nCount, true) akSourceContainer.AddItem(akBaseItem, nCount, true) endIf endIf endEvent So the item goes to the player's inventory and THEN if goes back to the source container (and if the container is a dead body that was equipping a cuirass, cuirass won't equip back on that body), but I want to make the script check if the item suits a condition and only THEN allow or disallow player to take it. Sorry for bad english if it's bad :)
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