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  1. They kind of look like they are supposed to be, but they are very "in your face" instead of being an ambient, hardly noticeable "feel". It is very aggravating and I am desperate to find a way to turn it off. It's funny, There wasn't this issue a few months ago when I was playing. Upon returning I downloaded SkSe and a few other mods, but nothing that *should* have modified ambient shadows, at least, that's what I thought. I also see a lot of wierding out on flame shadows on npc's, they just look smudged instead of like a flame is flickering nearby. Please Help!
  2. AmyD


    will look at the links! Thank you so much for the quick responses! =)
  3. AmyD


    I have played Skyrim for the length of it's life so far, off and on detouring now and again to try the newest MMO releases. I have recently started playing again and was looking into the MODS. I went and downloaded the Nexus Mod Manager to help out, which has done a great job of that. However I am at a loss as to what SkSE is, it is very much needed to do just about anything worth doing with mods. Yet there is zero info anywhere on it. Was it a game update? If so why wasn't it included with the updates in Steam? Is it a mod? I can't seem to find the SKSE anywhere, just addons to it. Any help or advice would be appreciated please!
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