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Everything posted by Sultericdrums

  1. Mine are best summed up here: http://www.sulteric.com/OblivonModList.html For quests I have to mention my companions but also Lost Spires and Heart of the Dead. Both of which I found to be error free. Adense dungeon is also excellent.
  2. Cobol is one of the oldest programming languages, now only used by software engineers wearing dinosaur costumes and carrying tall stacks of punch cards.
  3. Don't let Lore Fans hold you back. Just look what Aoikani and his team did with Forgotten Realms, the Underdark. There's one huge project that did get done and is still going strong. I wrapped my companions around it to give people a reason to go through it and I did things I didn't think I could. Also on the subject I'm currently transcribing the entire Lord of the Rings quest for the MERP team. When done I will have a full transcript of the dialog in the books, modified a bit for copyrights, and in the form of quest stages and how they are triggered. Talk about an ambitious project! It will get done though, even at the expense of an Underdark Saga Part IV if I have to. I haven't agreed to do all of it...yet. It will take all of the team to accomplish. Dialog first with dummy NPCs, then I can pull in races, items, and scripting as needed/available.
  4. Just cut and paste it into the OnEquip block of code and you should be all set. Assuming you've already created the new Item in the CS, just use it's editor ID in the script and you''re all set. Just make sure you don't stick it inside any other if-then statements.
  5. Let's say I have a mod where the I need to set a starting date at the beginning of the mod and then trigger stages based on the date after that. Is there a way to do it? OBSE? A Mod? In other words, when the quest starts it's 3012, 1st day 2nd month. The next stage triggers in 9 months, can I advance the date so it triggers so that the player doesn't have to screw around for 9 months? Etc...
  6. Take one of my companions, either Saerileth or Stoker Wolff and edit it to your choosing. The process of changing the face, hair and other things is a bit complex. If you chose to release it gets even more complex.
  7. QTP3 Redmized is one. Even thought it's been normalized it still requires a serious amount of computing power. Another thing to keep in mind is that, for example, if I post screen shots they're going to be amazing as I'm running in Ultra-High mode. (AMD quad core with an ATI 4870).
  8. Impossible I think. There are two different dialog types, topics and conversations. Conversations are usually between two NPCs and topics are between the player and any NPC.
  9. Tomy999, it's aggression most likely. It should never be above 5 for any companions. Red Sonia comes to mind. You have to go into the CS and adjust it.
  10. This is my $00.02. Installing: http://www.tesnexus.com/articles/article.php?id=124 Wait with MMM, FCOM and OOO. They are complicated and can create all sorts of havoc. I don't use them personally. I would recommend you be an advanced mod user before dealing with them. OBSE is okay but for ease of use I would suggest InsanitySorrow's Oblivion program utility where you can start the CS or Oblivion with OBSE very easily. You can get that here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27672 All the other various utilities such as Wrye Bash, TES4Gecko, TES4Edit and all those are only needed IMHO if you mod. TES4Edit is great for conflict detection though.
  11. I've always used TES4Files for my mods and make sure it's just the Data folder so it's an easy install. I use WinRAR exclusively as it's far superior to WinZip. I've never done OMODs and won't. It's an extra step and my companion mods aren't complicated. Well, perhaps Viconia's Return to the Underdark and The Vampire Hunter are but they require another mod (The Underdark) and if you read the ReadMe it goes into excruciating detail on how to install that and how to sort your load order.
  12. Ask and ye shall receive! http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Fort_Black_Boot
  13. For the love of God PLEASE do not use Cheydinhal Petshop. It will break the dialog of any and all other companion mods. It's been my bane for YEARS and it's unsupported. Use Insanity's Petshop instead.
  14. The OBSE versions are no longer supported. That was a Shavn1985 joint. In fact the OBSE versions are outdated. Saerileth is my personal favorite and due for an immersion update. Possibly the best Asian female companion I've ever seen and I tried a lot. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16251 She falls in love with you instantly. All my mods trigger conversations/stages every 24 hours. The only difference is The Underdark Parts II and III, where the quest involved is very complicated and involves The Underdark mod. Read the ReadMe files. I can't stress that enough.
  15. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15200
  16. That needs to be built into the companion mod itself. If you use any of my companions they come with a horse and will mount it and ride when you do. Search tesnexus for Viconia, Saerileth and or Stoker Wolff.
  17. Use Bag of Holding. It works reliably and is uber-easy to install and use and doesn't require OBSE.
  18. Any interest in bringing Lord of the Rings to life? PM me if interested.
  19. I can't say a lot right now but there is a companion that's going to be released soon. When ultimately patched it's going to be ground breaking beyond anything you've seen yet. It's not based on my AI model and I won't say much more. When things are released I will be publicizing it. I'll be adding the story to the patch when she comes out and may assist in the looks department. Stay tuned. On my schedule: A v2.5 Update for Viconia Part III - Return to the Underdark. Finish off some voicing/lip synching issues with The Vampire Hunter (The Underdark Saga Part II) Write the outline for the Lord of the Rings script for MERP from Frodo's point of view and from a third party's POV.
  20. Use fraps: http://www.fraps.com If you don't want the header to appear you will have to buy it.
  21. Are you kidding me? Press the ~/` key and type the code you want.
  22. Probably old enough but English is a second language.
  23. Here are mine: http://www.sulteric.com/OblivionModList.html
  24. Avoid OOO unless you REALLY know what you're doing. Here is a list of my MUST HAVE mods: http://www.sulteric.com/OblivionModList.html
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