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Everything posted by Sultericdrums

  1. It would be cool but most of the mods concerning it skip over it or offer an alternative like "Arrive by Ship", etc.
  2. After finishing the main quest I find that rumors are only about the main quest! I was in Bravil trying to get a rumor to triggere the Forlorn Watchman quest and I can't get it. Any way around this issue?
  3. Sorry, just saw this. > Oh, i already use both Viconia and Saerileth and HIGHLY endorse them. I was just looking at the others for different options. >I'm going to put together an adventure team. BTW Sult, why did you label the next quest mod for Vic with a part III instead of >part II? The Vampire Hunter (recent beta release and Part II) is a prequel to Return to the Underdark (Part III) but features a different companion, Stoker Wolff. I use him all the time as an archer and he can be played one of two ways, friend or lover.
  4. If you used the quotes get rid of them. You're sure thesicknesstopic exists?
  5. TVH linK: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27437 Still in Beta. I would wait until I post the latest patch tonight. That will be 0.5.
  6. As far as load order just run B.O.S.S. and it'll handle it automatically. I always do the Dark Brotherhood quest early as well as the Mages Guild quest. Good stuff free.
  7. All of my companions have that command and many others as well including a flirt menu so you can interact with them when the mood strikes. Viconia and Stoker have been brought into the Underdark Saga. Saerileth is a stand alone mod. She is instantly infatuated with you. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16251 Viconia's first release is Part I of the Underdark Saga and can be played as a stand alone as well. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15200 Part III is her at her best but requires the Underdark mod. Available at the same link. Stoker Wolff is in The Vampire Hunter, which is the Underdark Saga Part II. He does have a stand alone mod as well for female players, etc. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17743 All of the companions involve a romance "quest". Part III is full on quest that is pretty big (80+ stages). TVH (Part II) is over 100 stages long. That one you can have him as either a friend or a romance and it also requires the Underdark. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27437 Enjoy. A lot of work went into these.
  8. In fact once you have the resource pack you can play Origin of the Mages Guild, etc as well. I need to reinstall all that. I miss OMG.
  9. The Vampire Hunter has been released as a Beta. Wait for it though because v0.2 is going up later tonight with some fixes and most of the lip synch files.
  10. You'll have to start over and there are major changes. It will also require the Underdark mod, which is amazing.
  11. Here is one screen shot of Veintaur. It's underground so notice the background. It's the only lit part of the Underdark that I know of. Stoker and Saerileth (HGEC H with Diano Armor 2). http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1251510919.jpg
  12. It's taken months. A entire new level of the Underdark had to be created just for it. It also loosely ties into the Roland Janseric quest if the player so chooses. Veintaur (the city of Dwarves) is absolutely amazing. I'm waiting for the population of it to be finished before I release it formally.
  13. The original Stoker Wolff stages make up perhaps only 1/3 of The Vampire Hunter. It's big and in the later stages it's tough as nails.
  14. I changed the readMe and description to be very clear as to what he is and what he isn't. That said, The Underdark Saga Part II - The Vampire Hunter is coming along quite nicely. I've already gone through debugging the friend/comrade thread and am now going through the entire romance thread and fixing bugs and plugging holes. This is a prequel to The Underdark Saga Part III - Viconia DeVir, Return to the Underdark. It is meant to be played after Part III. It gives the player some unique perspectives on just how and why Part III played out the way it did and fills the player in on some major plot points. It includes all of the original Stoker Wolff mod, modified, but expands it by over 60 stages. It is unique in that it will allow the player to explore Menzoberranzan unmolested by the Drow in the city, since you are on a mission from House Baenre. It explores the second level of the Underdark, the Middledark. If you can defeat the Demon in the lava fields you will see the Dwarven city of Veintaur. The mod comes with a sword based on Gurthang (w/permission) that is quite powerful, if you survive the quest to retrieve it. I've been testing the heck out of it and it's nearly complete. Once I finish debugging the second thread I will plug in some AI package holes in some minor NPCs and then lip synch everything. After that it will be ready to go.
  15. From the ReadMe on the very first page: "Chapter One of Stoker Wolff involves the player meeting Stoker and winning his heart by going through a fairly linear though quite long romance quest. " Reading is hard. I will not be spending anymore time on the initial version of Stoker. The Vampire Hunter is the second part of The Underdark Saga and will be the final version of this companion. After you rescue him he will ask you once and only once if you want to be friends or pursue a romance with him. He can be played either way. There is no restriction on the sex of the player, nor should there be. This is the 21st century the last time I checked. My last post on the subject.
  16. I didn't make Stoker Wolff multi-threaded because there was such a demand for him at the time and I had other fish to fry.
  17. I'll change the sentence in the read me then. You can wait for The Vampire Hunter. Or Not. I'm not putting anymore time into Stoker Wolff v1.x
  18. It should be noted that in the Vampire Hunter he is playable as either one, a comrade and friend or a love interest. The two threads are there and completely separate so everybody is happy. (Yeah, right)
  19. This sounds very cool. If I wasn't so swamped with modding work I'd love to help. I'm way too busy though.
  20. He's...you know...what? The basis of an upcoming epic quest over 100 stage in length with over a thousand voiced lines involving the Underdark with new areas and creatures never seen in Oblivion? I'm sure that's what you were going to say. The character was created by Sunsi (now M.I.A.) and she asked me to breathe life into him. So I did. I didn't come up with the name.
  21. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17743 My companion Stoker Wolff (male romance-able companion). He is an assassin and will be greatly expanded upon in the upcoming mod The Vampire Hunter.
  22. Thank you! (I'm the modder and voice actor). The Vampire Hunter will extend his dialog exponentially.
  23. names: Sorry I've been missing your pings on IM. I was on vacation this past weekend.
  24. I can't speak for others but it's not an issue for the companions I've done.
  25. I like Viconia but of course I am very biased. ;)
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