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Posts posted by Sultericdrums

  1. Most voice acting work simply requires you to record the sound files and then send them off to the modder and they process and master them, at least that's what I do in my mods.


    You need a good microphone and Audacity at the very least. Myself, I use a Sure SM57 with a windscreen through an 8 channel Firepod into Cubase software. That's only because I use that rig to record my entire band. It works out very nicely for voice work.


    If you use a desktop mic you need a really good one. You can pay anywhere from $60-$600.

  2. Hello there!


    So, another beginner question with scripts. I have this NPC, and I want to talk to him, and when I have done that he will walk to the tree and stay there until a certain event happens, I know how to do dialogue but no idea how to script that... MoveTo I thought would work but that seems to teleport the target.


    Help is appreciated


    That is a unique problem. You would have to use an AI package to do that. it would be triggered by the result script for that dialog topic that runs.


    The hard part is "over there by that tree". That tree needs to be a persistent reference, as is your NPC. That way you could use the persistent reference as the location for the AI package.


    It gets worse. What tree? What stage in the quest? There a zillion different trees in all the exterior cells.


    See what I mean?

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