Well, the exploration is half the fun. I've had plenty just starting with the "Top mods" listing here on Nexus and working my way down from the top for whatever interested me. With the Mod Manager you can swap mods in and out at will. For the load order, I used to use BOSS to check that, but I believe that functionality is now built into NMM. Even so, there are certain combinations of mods and savegames that can cause problems regardless. Personally until you gain experience I'd stay away from follower-manipulation mods (more than usual number of followers, recruit anyone, etc.) as these seem to involve "deeper" intrusion into the game logic and compatibility issues when you combine them seem more prevalent. Also certain "adult" mods (though, "Luxury Suite" is, ah... quite fine) can cause such functionality problems. For what you're looking for mainly, visual enhancement/modification, I have had no problems adding and removing them at will. Again, popularity is a good place to start.