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Posts posted by tsuchinokoultimate



    Another request, if I may. Is it possible to make a mod that recolors spell effects? I have been looking at Silversmith's mods for the retextured Black Dragon Armor and the Royal Dragonslayer Spear, and I want to know if you can recolor the lightning spells, as well the lightning projectile attack of the Dragonslayer Spear. It would be awesome to roll around in the all blue version of those mods and also be throwing blue lightning spears.


    I heard that there is a way to make "custom" spells and stuff, so I would assume it is fairly simple to just swap the color pallet of the spell effects.


    I also am pretty sure that a white colored lightning effect is already in the game, since both the Syan Knights and the Mirror Knight use lighting attacks that are white instead of yellow.



    what you describe is been made and it is easily replicable with CE. i don't know if a proper "mod" can be done to constantli change the ffect of some spells or attacks tough


    Could you link me to that? I have never used Cheat Engine before but if what you say is true I'll give it a go. Is there a table for it or is it something more complicated?




    there is indeed a table,, but i don't have it. you'll have to search around i'm afraid XD

  2. @Squallixer


    I'll take a look at what can be done about the shield, i would be more inclined to make if for the Royal Kite Shield though because the Drangleic Shield is part of a larger set and i hate breaking sets. We'll see, though. As for spell effect colors that is a much tougher one and i know a lot of the time they can't be changed with textures alone. At least not that i've found. The hardest part is actually identifying the texture that changes the color, if there is even one to begin with. There are so many tiny files that are extremely difficult to identify that it's almost not worth the effort. Hopefully you can achieve your desired effects doing what @tsuchinokoultimate suggests.





    I'll have to e-mail you or PM you about the Ornstein stuff. Do you have a playthrough where the Old Dragonslayer is alive? I don't want to ascetic that area to get him back lol. It's nice and empty there right now and it's perfect for mod making, that's why don't want to ascetic.



    no i don't have one, but it'0s super easy what to do, just backup your save file befoure you use the scetic anmd put somwere safe, than use the ascetic,take what you need, and revert with the previous non asceticezied save for the area XD

  3. Another request, if I may. Is it possible to make a mod that recolors spell effects? I have been looking at Silversmith's mods for the retextured Black Dragon Armor and the Royal Dragonslayer Spear, and I want to know if you can recolor the lightning spells, as well the lightning projectile attack of the Dragonslayer Spear. It would be awesome to roll around in the all blue version of those mods and also be throwing blue lightning spears.


    I heard that there is a way to make "custom" spells and stuff, so I would assume it is fairly simple to just swap the color pallet of the spell effects.


    I also am pretty sure that a white colored lightning effect is already in the game, since both the Syan Knights and the Mirror Knight use lighting attacks that are white instead of yellow.



    what you describe is been made and it is easily replicable with CE. i don't know if a proper "mod" can be done to constantli change the ffect of some spells or attacks tough

  4. another shiled is unlikely BUT it should pose 0 problem for ash to resytore the available one to match the "restored" look it has in the moenories, actually he already did this stuff a couple of times with some armor sets, if i recal correctly even with the soldire set...or it was the knight?...hmm anywas it should be very easy to do this

  5. I'm trying to figure out potential future projects so i'm posting this topic to gather requests... I know this may not be very effective since i don't think many people visit the forums but it's better than cluttering my mod comments.


    (note: Just because you request it doesn't mean it will be done. I can't do everything so please understand this upfront.)



    I have a couple rules on what to NOT ask for because i won't do them and If you request either of the following just know it won't even be considered.

    NO mashups

    NO joke mods



    Any full armor set, weapon or item suggested will be considered and the more requests for a particular item will go to the front of the line. Okay, request away...



    well first thing it comes to mind apart from the ornstein retext wich you already saw it's a major patching of the game (DX9) with the updated graphics/lightning enemy increse etc. and or a direct DX11 patch for the DX) when scholar of the first sin drops in april. i mean we all know that it should be a patch anyway, make us buy the whole game again for DX11 compatibilities it's a fraud

  6. I was looking this over because it would be very easy to do but i discovered something somewhat interesting. NPC's and enemies in the game are usually one total model which basically means all armor pieces are joined as one complete piece and not in separate pieces like the player wears. Targray is a good example, his character model armor is one big piece that dumps one or two long strip textures that contains combined textures of the whole armor, but the separate armor pieces your character can wear are separate pieces that dump individual textures per armor piece.


    Now to the point... The Old Dragonslayer Armor is dumping as individual pieces and NOT as combined textures which leads me to believe that this armor was at one time discoverable and wearable by the player.


    It's too bad that they have not included this as wearable and hopefully they will add it into the next DLC.



    cool! so yuo mean you can do this? let's surely hope theyadd it :D

  7. can someone retex the old dragonslayer boss armor colors to restore the original ornstein looks he is based upon? i don't like very mutch the new style since the lance he is using ( same used by ornstein ) does not have the proper corrsesponding recolored version and this bothers me. so can we please restore the actual ornestein in game? thank you :smile:

  8. i loved the randomized weapon swap mod in dark souls 1 and i was wondering if anyone was working on it for dark souls 2?


    that mod was AWESOME i think too someone should re do it for souls II too, but after scholar of the first sin drops. it's probably the last expansion the game will get and will mot likely add ne items/weapons etc.

  9. some of you may already be familiar with me, many other may not. i'm here today becouse i met here the most exquisite and talented people i ever had the pleasure to work with, some of the i considder to be firends. we all share our passion for this game and we all wanted to see it live long. a couple of months ago i made a decision to make this come true. i wen't on the official namco bandai forums and asked the whole communiti to voice theyr opinion on this matter. i even left a link tho the poll in another thread started by me in the mod discussion section of this game.


    now i ask you all to voic once again your opinion, along with my collaborators on the stam forum AND in the official forum so we can make this REALLY unfair politics you may already heard of regarding this upgrad/next gen version we souls fans so veemently requested.



    i know all of you here actually WORKED to improve this game. GEM and gedosato. all the skyboxes frmo my friend ash, the texture overhaul form my firend cavou the beatiful weapon ( and icons, i didn't forget :D ) from darkravensilversmith and many many other ALL of you.


    now that this game is being remade in what it should have been in th first place i don't think ANYONE has more word in this than you guys with worked day and night for this game for months, no less than many devs. so please, please inform yourself on the matter and come here http://forums.bandainamcogames.com/showthread.php?9366-Scholar-of-the-First-Sin


    and help the souls comunity as a whole to make things right for everyone once again! love you guys!


    here you can find my old poll if you are interested in speak with a vote or leaving an opinion regarding the work we menaged to do thank you



  10. Title pretty much says it all-- I'd like to replace some of the sounds in the game, can it be done (simply)?


    Thanks in advance!



    if you are talking about music tracks, we are working on an complet music overhaul mod since this summer. it was planned to be relesed by the end of october, but since we are most definetly getting more DLC and we wan't to deliver the complete mod from the start, it's on a hiatus at the moment, we have to see what unfolds in the near future when the game can truly be considered "complete" but yes we can and we are doing it. if you talk about ambient noise, like footsteps etc. i don't know per se, but since you can with music you should most likely be able to. now, how to actually do that it's another pair of sleeves obviously XD



    edit: by the way. i'm afraid if it can be done it will be by no means simple. you can customize music,sure but it's VERY gimmicky to do even if you have a step by step guide ( altought worth it) but if you have to do this alone from the get go,well....good luck

  11. What is the enb or sweetfx config on screenshot? I want the same lighting.




    judging from the shiny armors and the general shadowy settings on the ambient textures it should be GEm. but it's like saying nothing becouse it coulb be mixed with everything els ,or even custom made, also gem has multiple releases to use with all the other filters, so you just need to experiment i'm afraid

  12. Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to use gedosato for JUST replacing textures and literally nothing else. My computer can run the game perfectly with the max default graphics but when I turn on gedosato I lose about 5-10 fps



    just run gedosato, end edit the config lines ( you have a config button for either normal anmd post processing options in the main menu) put "true" in the line when it asks you to replace textures under the texturse department and put everything else to the lowest settings available ( you have to read a bit but it's very easy, it will tell you what optins are easy on the rig and what aren't) also since you are going to put postprocessing on "false" ( not active) don bother changing anything in the postprocessing config, everything it's set to 0 and wont activate anyway if you put postprocessing to false in config in so leave it default

  13. can anyone tell me how to get mods onto the the darksouls 2 game?? I download mods and have no clue to get them on the game




    it depends on the mod. if it is like 90% of the mods on the nexus a retex, you just only need to put the new texturse in the dark souls II>game>textures>dark souls II>override


    be sure to have a installed gedosato and have enabled the texture override otpion in the program configuration ( set texture override to true ) and be sure tu run the game AFTER you ru gedosato and activate it.



    if it is lighting mod like enb and gem, it's very long and complex to explain and it greatly depends on what you are using specifically



    now if you installed all the files under the gem i pointed you too ( and the gem file i pointed you to also obviously) you installed all in the correct order and tweked gedosato settings like this you will have no problem with low visibility or mismatched colors in the game, ivory king work flawlesly i have no prblems in foggy part of shade woods too, and the dark atmosphere of geme remains intact. the only thing i find a bi disturbing wit the latest version is text and other borders and some lines on the loading screen have weaird colors like green of purple instead of white and the wite text sems a bit...i don't know dirty? like dirty with this colors, nothing major, and it dosen't effect AT ALL any place in the game graphic wise, only text and loading screens, but it's a bit frustrating i couldent eliminate this, if you know how to soften this please lat me know XD



    Thank you very much for the help. However, I'm not going to go with your set up immediately, since I heard there are issues with ENB and GeDoSaTo, and I want to hear what other people have to say first. I don't know any solution for the discolored menus, though, sorry.




    oh i don't have any issus apart from the wierd colored menus...i think you shold try, and enjoy the dlc as of now, you can always backup...also could you help me with a couple icons? i sendo you a pm XD

  15. In the Crown of the Ivory King, while using the latest version of the wonderful lighting mod GEM, the game is almost unplayable due to the massive over-saturation of the white colors in the environment (considering all the snow on the ground, white architecture and snowstorm, there's an awful lot of white!) I managed to overlook it and trudge blindly into the snowstorm until I got to the boss Ava, which is almost impossible to see even with the Priestess Eye. I saw footage of the DLC by other people without GEM, and there are lots of amazing vistas which I missed out on because of the immense over-saturation.


    I really do love GEM and don't want to play the game without it unless I have to, but lowering the saturation and contrast values a lot makes the game look ugly with grossly unbalanced lighting (like seriously worse than vanilla.) So, does anyone have a preset or know of a workaround to get the Ivory King DLC and GEM working happily together. Any feedback or info at all would be greatly appreciated.



    my configuration work perfectly, i'll post it here.




    go here. download the 2-3 version, bottom file. dowload all the things in the file description follow installation, than update gedosato to latest version, and modify the settings as follows:


    visyng : 1


    scaling : lanczos


    hide mouse cursor : true


    forceborderless screen: true


    AA: 4


    AA type : fxaa


    SSao : 3


    SSao Scale: 1


    SSao scale : sharp



    Dof: true



    dof effect : bokeh


    bokeh dept : 1.6



    postprocessing: true



    postprocessing type : durante



    hdr bllom: true



    override textures: true



    leave everything else default


    now edit postprocessing stuff like this :



    from line 7 to line 19 set everything to 1


    set line 20 to 0


    leave everything else.



    now if you installed all the files under the gem i pointed you too ( and the gem file i pointed you to also obviously) you installed all in the correct order and tweked gedosato settings like this you will have no problem with low visibility or mismatched colors in the game, ivory king work flawlesly i have no prblems in foggy part of shade woods too, and the dark atmosphere of geme remains intact. the only thing i find a bi disturbing wit the latest version is text and other borders and some lines on the loading screen have weaird colors like green of purple instead of white and the wite text sems a bit...i don't know dirty? like dirty with this colors, nothing major, and it dosen't effect AT ALL any place in the game graphic wise, only text and loading screens, but it's a bit frustrating i couldent eliminate this, if you know how to soften this please lat me know XD

  16. Hey all,


    I have little to no idea what it takes to make a mod, but I'm sure it's a lot, so i humbly ask if anyone is wiling and able to make a white version of the Black dragon armor, I would be trilled. I think it would be perfect with white armor and green eyes, and maybe green accents on the body if possible. Feel free to tell me if this is a ridicules request, and/or why it is. Or if you'd love to see this mod made too.


    All the best,






    ask this guy. he is my friend and exquisite person, as you can se he already worked on severl versions of what you asking, ask him and maybe when he has time he will add your version, i'm sure he will, it's an awesome dude. in the mean time chek hes other work, all axcellent jobs i tell you, and if you like them, don't forget to endorse, those guys here are really committd and passionate about modding, so it's only good we all shom them some love :D

  17. Hey Modders,

    I was wondering if someone could take the animation from sitting at a bonfire and be able to apply it to everywhere so that you can sit wherever you want for cinematic purposes, and could be activated by a numpad key or something. I would do this my self as it seems pretty simple but I have no idea as to how to go about it and this would help me and i'm sure a lot of other people as well!

    Thanks very much.



    i think it's actually a very cool idea, espacially for lore video guys out there. i hope somone helps you, i don't know how to do this i'm afraid

  18. I was wondering if it was possible to mood these two helmets so their visors are down covering the face.


    I know the Knight helm is pretty similar to the elite knight, but the imperious would probably look pretty sweet with its visor down.



    altering the models it's not possible at the moment.

  19. Any way to mod this into the game? Perhaps even by using hacks, Cheat Engine or the like?


    It's the only weapon as far as I know that's unavailable to the player -- right? I'd really like this cool-looking staff to wield. Even if it were just the 'skin' and it's stats borrowed from another staff, that would be just fine.


    Is this a possibility? Would there be an item code / address (as used through CE to hack in items) associated with this staff or is it considered a 'prop' for NPC's only and so doesn't have a specific address code as such?





    1) that staff it's not the only unavailable to the player/enemy only weapons in the game. the giant watermelon shaped mace from the headless minotaur giant kinghts in iron king dlc or the streaight poisonish looking sword of the shulva soldiers are just some examples


    2) no there is not a pointer in CE wich will grant you the weapons via "legit" drop , and i'm not sure about model swap but i don't think so.


    3) you could technically resking an in game staff/weapons with the skin you are loking for problem is, to reskin something the proper way with a skin custom made o borrowed from another place they model has to be the same. no staff shares the model of the magus one, and at the moment, as fare as i know, no one here is able to alter models. so im' afrai you are in no luck. i liked that staff too...and actually i liked the watermelon mace way more than the melted chocolate ice cream we got as a drop from the same enemy...i mean really from? between the two weapons you tought the turkey wing was the one we wanted the most? really? sometimes i think they are just trolling us..damn

  20. Yes I use GEM and custom textures. But the only custom textures I have are PS4 buttons, hexer hood recolor, and no buff effects. The Faraam set for example has some of the worst glare but I don't have any mods for it.


    No I don't have post processing enabled.



    than most liely it's becouse of gem conflicting with someting in the new gedosato version. i'll aadivce you to update to latest compatibility vbersion gem to. on the mods section on the nexus under gem you'll find the latest gedosato/enb compatible version of gem. try to install one of those

  21. I just updated to the newest GeDoSaTo version and now armors look absolutely ridiculous. There doesn't even have to be a significant light source like a sun in the area and the armor will shine unrealistically bright as if the bloom is turned up high. I have bloom disabled though.


    GeDoSaTo Beta7 is the version I used prior to updating and the lighting works fine with that version. What in the new version is causing this issue and is there a way to fix it? I'm using the same settings that I always have.


    are yuo using gem? are you using custom textures for armors? do you have postporcessing enabled? and if yesy with what settings? do you use ENB in comnination with gedosato and/or gem? latest versions of gedosato are known to couse stability issues and or other wierd problems with configurations used in earlier versions, not always, but sometimes

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