"Here," I say tossing him a twelve-inch buck-knife. "Now. I think you'll like this proposition. There is a cutlery shop down the street. How's about you and I (and Reflex, if he accepts) go rob the place. You can keep all the knives you can carry, and Reflex and I split the cash. Unless Reflex doesn't come, then I take the cash. Either way, the owner leaves his shop at around 10 PM, and never empties the register. He carries some very high-end blades. I would know. I "purchased" these there about a month ago...." I briefly show calliton my stilleto knives. "The only problem is, he installed an alarm system after my little.... escapade there last month. The cops arrive in under two minutes of the perimeter being tripped. I tried by throwning a brick through the window. But.... I know the code to the system. What say you?"