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Everything posted by floggingmolly22

  1. Banning BeNny for not banning fast enough.
  2. If it was run by a system of garrison troops. Not as strong as the Imperial Legions, but not as weak as a town watch.
  3. "Ok. Activate your stealth anton. Sneak up to the side of the left entrance while I place the charge. I'll come up and meet you there, then we blow the charge and enter while they go and look." I then head off to set the satchel.
  4. "Here," I say tossing him a twelve-inch buck-knife. "Now. I think you'll like this proposition. There is a cutlery shop down the street. How's about you and I (and Reflex, if he accepts) go rob the place. You can keep all the knives you can carry, and Reflex and I split the cash. Unless Reflex doesn't come, then I take the cash. Either way, the owner leaves his shop at around 10 PM, and never empties the register. He carries some very high-end blades. I would know. I "purchased" these there about a month ago...." I briefly show calliton my stilleto knives. "The only problem is, he installed an alarm system after my little.... escapade there last month. The cops arrive in under two minutes of the perimeter being tripped. I tried by throwning a brick through the window. But.... I know the code to the system. What say you?"
  5. "Yes, Michigan would take a long time to get to, plus we would need to keep a patrol and watch the whole time..." I say. off: anton: we're trying to decide where to move to. hangadog: I'd make it something that you can relate to. for example: my username is the name of a band that I like. Though I am glad you're switching from hangadog. My friend used to work at a camp that was not very far from a dog-hanging cult. That kinda rattled me when he told me.
  6. Banning alex because he is not an elf.
  7. No. I don't paintball too often. A magnifying glass?
  8. "Of course I'm sober!" Flogging called seeing calliton's look. "Come in here. Perhaps I can work you into this business."
  9. Banning calliton. What if one had high cholesterol?
  10. Banning Monolithic because this is the Age of the Understatement. (Musical reference if no one picks up on it)
  11. "Stop hasselling my patrons!" I call to calliton from a window of my pub. "A lot of people around here carry weapons! Besides, he's sloshed at the moment. Just left here and probably got the wrong idea from the brawl down the street."
  12. Banning vicICE because sense is something worth having.
  13. "True. Michigan would be quite a trek though... So, I've heard Michigan as a suggestion, and my suggestion of the Oregon country still stands. Any further votes before we set out for somewhere?" I ask. off: If this takes place anywhere near where I live, it's over 100 degrees right now here in California.
  14. "Ok..... Looks like they've got a small outpost set up outside the doors, and they've probably got a nice little set up inside the store. What say you we turn on our stealth fields, sneak up, and I'll blow one of the old cars in the parking lot up with a satchel charge? Then we can sneak in, take out their fortifications, and mop up the rest before we take what we can?"
  15. "Not entirely sure.... You were out for awhile. But, I hooked you up to this stuff, and it appears to have worked..... A nuclear power plant blew up and our water is now irradiated. So, we were planning on packing up our belongings and heading out to..... Somewhere the water is safe to drink. I was thinking.... Maybe Corvallis, Oregon?" I say this last part to the group at large. "Plenty of land we could grow things on, plenty of rain for water. Perhaps not the city though. We should stick to the countryside. Any other location ideas?"
  16. Banning Hangadog because someone will always have a sense of authority over someone else.
  17. Flogging saw a man walking down the street, towards his pub. "This looks like a man I could do business with....." he thought to himself. He stepped out briefly to hail the man into his pub. He then went back inside and poured a round of his finest for the man. "It's on the house if you will listen to a.... proposition I have for you." he said.
  18. Anninbay allitoncay niay igpay atinlay.
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