"Nina, help me haul him back to the fire.... I need light to work on him. Mistlav.... Do you or your..... friends have an extra smoke? My hands are shaking too much to work on him, I need something to calm the nerves." Back at the fireside: "Holy s**t! I don't see how he can possibly still be alive! He's got so many gashes. He's lost a lot of blood and seems to have shrapnel or the remains of bullets in two places...." Cleaning the gashes with vodka and suturing them back together, Flogging works shakily. Removing the shrapnel, he cleans and dresses the remaining wounds. After tying up a tourniquet around the worst of the bleeding (that can be safely stemmed with a tourniquet), Flogging drew a pint of his own blood and hooked it up to a makeshift IV consisting of: the branch of a tree, a section of surgical tubing, a syringe, and an old bag. Sticking the IV in the man's arm, Flogging turned to the others and said, "It's crude, but it'll help the guy out a bit... I just hope he regains conciouness in a couple hours......"