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Everything posted by floggingmolly22

  1. "It's possible..." Flogging says to Nina. "You have to be (relatively) comfortable with someone else's blood though. Are you?"
  2. Banning Ancient because that is hardly our business to know.
  3. "Nina, help me haul him back to the fire.... I need light to work on him. Mistlav.... Do you or your..... friends have an extra smoke? My hands are shaking too much to work on him, I need something to calm the nerves." Back at the fireside: "Holy s**t! I don't see how he can possibly still be alive! He's got so many gashes. He's lost a lot of blood and seems to have shrapnel or the remains of bullets in two places...." Cleaning the gashes with vodka and suturing them back together, Flogging works shakily. Removing the shrapnel, he cleans and dresses the remaining wounds. After tying up a tourniquet around the worst of the bleeding (that can be safely stemmed with a tourniquet), Flogging drew a pint of his own blood and hooked it up to a makeshift IV consisting of: the branch of a tree, a section of surgical tubing, a syringe, and an old bag. Sticking the IV in the man's arm, Flogging turned to the others and said, "It's crude, but it'll help the guy out a bit... I just hope he regains conciouness in a couple hours......"
  4. Banning Monolithic because this leaves one to assume he lives in a place where you are allowed to think for yourself. There are places where you are not.
  5. off: Not a whole lot. We decided to camp for the night instead of heading right off to the base.
  6. Banning Ancient Aeon because he only has 20 kudos. And I have very few. I really hate the whole kudo ban.... anyone else?
  7. Banning todos personas de este forum porque estoy un poco enojado.
  8. "Excellent. I'll wake you in three hours. We should have three of us do one three hour shift. That gives the others nine hours of sleep, and the three of us six. We should rotate sentry duty every night. If there's trouble, give a blast on this whistle. We'll pass it around to the next sentry. See you all in the morning." Flogging walks off to a point in cover from the road, perfect to watch, but not be watched. 3 hours later: "Mistlav..... Get up, your turn at the watch. Take this too." Flogging says as he hands him the whistle and lays down on the ground to get some sleep.
  9. Tract. (As in a tract of land.)
  10. Banning wasder for quoting Shakespeare in saying "Something wicked this way comes". Act IV, Scene I, Macbeth.
  11. "Agreed. We should set out when it's light. We should probably just set up a temporary camp here, maybe set one of us as a sentry, and rotate it every few hours..... I volunteer for first watch if we do so..."
  12. "That's all bad there," Flogging says to Tyler as he hangs off the back of the jeep with his Mossberg. "You wouldn't happen to have any .50 cal would you? I'm running seriously low for my side piece."
  13. Banning vicICE because it does have to do with monolithic. Actually does it? I have no idea.
  14. "By motor vehicle, it may have been the village to the south of here. It's the only one (that I know of) that would have taken them three days to drive here from."
  15. "Followed, snuck along with. It's all the same thing right?" Flogging asks as he grabs the first of the equipment and heads to the jeep to load it up. "Where exactly are we by the way?" off: Sorry, I've been away for a couple days. I just jumped back in, so the "followed you" excuse was the easiest way to bring my character back to the current action.
  16. Banning dawnprawfet because at times, one may find that the truth is worse than a lie, but others, the truth is best.
  17. Appearing at White Dog's side with a new Mossberg 500, Flogging says, "What all did I miss? And yes. I followed you out here."
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