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Everything posted by popej

  1. Hello folks, I've had a break from Fallout 4 since before Survival difficulty was changed to the new Survival 'mode'. On my previous modded installation I had quite a few mods that increased damage taken, damage dished out etc. (e.g. Arbitration). Most of these mods were specifically made to alter the legacy Survival difficulty, i.e. I don't think they'd work in Very Hard or Normal for example. Now of course Survival difficulty is Survival 'mode' and all sorts of things have changed. Does this mean that all these mods I used to use will now alter the new Survival 'mode'? I do like Survival 'mode' but I think it's a shame that they binned off the legacy Survival difficulty altogether. I like the removal of quick save and the need to eat, drink and sleep in principal. I just don't want to be opening my inventory so regularly to find a Radroach Steak or bottle of Purified Water. Unless I'm wrong (and I could be?) the only choice now is Very Hard (which is a bit easy going) if I want a break from eating, drinking and sleeping every 5 minutes? Thanks
  2. I appreciate that's it's slower than earlier Fallout titles but it's still too quick! Ta Edit: Nevermind, someones already done it! http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/85/?
  3. Howdy folks, I'm crashing each time I try and start game. I get an illegal operation during the intro flash screens before getting to the main menu. With all of the mods below activated it crashes on the 'Obsidian log flash screen'. If I disable mods starting from the bottom of my load order a few at a time the crash gets quicker and quicker. Yes it does still crash with only FalloutNV.esm activated... The game started fine before I began installing mods using a combination of FOMM's package manager and NMM. The load order is BOSS'ed of course. Using either a bashed patch or FNVEdit's merged patch still results in the same crash. Any suggestions? Thanks Active Mod Files:
  4. Sigh, I have the opposite problem. Movement speed is normal in heavy armour while using SkyRe. I want to be slow!
  5. Is there a mod that lets ALL hostile npc's follow you through cell transitions (ie, through a door that loads a new area) like Oblivion allowed? Thanks.
  6. Thanks for your response. I'm aware of the shenanigans that went on with the mod, but thought a private message with a link wouldn't contravene the rules. Anyhoo, I'll keep looking.
  7. Howdy, I'm really struggling to find a still functioning Skyrim Monster Mod v10 link (I've spent a long time googling). I would use version 11 (latest) but the addition of Triceratops and a few other silly beasties are somewhat ruining my experience with the game. If I can find version 10 then I can install the lore friendly replacer. Thanks folks.
  8. Does anyone have any ideas where I can still download Skyrim Monster Mod v10? I'm using v11 at the moment but the triceratops' and other silly monster additions are starting to do my head in. If I can get a copy of v10 I can use the lore friendly replacer: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16411 Thanks
  9. Thanks for the reply! I'm still learning the ropes with FO3edit but this sounds like something I might be able to fix myself (drag and drop FormID entries?). If I post my LO later on do you reckon you might be able to spot the offending article? Ta. Edit: I should point out that I'm pretty certain my LO is completely up to date. I only installed my new FO3 setup recently. I will go through every plugin checking it's the latest when I get home though. It's only about 60 esm/esp's in size and most of those are from 4-5 main mods (usual suspects, FWE, MMM, EVE, RH_Ironsights, Fellout etc).
  10. Hi, I'm experiencing an issue with my modded Fallout 3 setup. I can't post my LO at the moment as I'm at work. To be honest the LO might not be much help anyway as I'm not sure it's any single mod that causes this? My best guess is that it's something to do with extensive load orders and bashed patches/merged patches. I used to think it related to either DarN's UI (something to do with a dodgy .xml file?) or EVE but now I'm not so certain. This is what happens: Install mods (no particular culprit) > BOSS > Bashed Patch or Merged Patch > No mouse/keyboard input on the main menu, just the scrolling pictures/bethesda logo. (ctrl + alt + delete causes an illegal operation). It's happened so many times and yet I've never read/heard of a concrete reason as to what causes it. Does anyone have any ideas?
  11. Hmmm, assuming you haven't already resolved this... Do you know what caused the perception drop in the first place? It's a pretty extensive drop so I'm thinking it might be because you have primary needs running and you're incredibly thirsty/hungry? Then again, if this were the case you'd also be experiencing other detreimental effects. I'm pretty sure it would appear in the 'active effects' part of your pipboy as well. Posting your LO would help.
  12. Yeah, in hindsight the bashed patch never works for me anymore. I just get stuck on the main menu with no mouse or keyboard input everytime I run the game with the bashed patch.esp activated. As shadow said I'm actually using the merged patch through FO3edit. Either use the merged patch or bashed patch, not both. Probably easiest to stick with FO3edit though. It's less powerful than wrye bash as a tool for creating merged patches but it's easier to fix problems with FO3edit yourself.
  13. Funny you should ask, I installed RH_Ironsights on top of that lot yesterday. So far it's working perfectly although I've only tested it for a couple of hours. I just downloaded and installed all the compatibility esp's (EVE, WMK & FWE), ran BOSS and re-did the bashed patch. I'd just go for it.
  14. A mod that lets you place mines/bottlecap mines silently? Ie, without alerting an enemy that's 30 foot away. Ta. Edit: I should point out that I'm using FWE with either 'Realistic sneaking' or 'Harder sneaking' turned on. I guess this might be impossible to do if I'm using these settings?
  15. Hi, I've come back to Skyrim after a day one purchase but with very few hours actually played so far. One of the reasons I canned it was to wait for the CK and a fix for the following issue... Has anyone managed to completely remove all auto-aim/magnetism from archery yet, whether zoomed in or not? Just to clarify, I'm NOT talking about; a) the issue with arrow hits not registering over long distance. b) the issue where arrows were not firing dead straight out of your cross hair. I AM talking about the 'arrow snap' & magnetism as it's been called in the past. I'm aware that Narmix and others discussed it at length in these threads: 1) http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/472346-archery-auto-targetting/ 2) http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/471808-auto-aim-doesnt-just-affect-arcing-how-to-disable-it/page__st__10 I'm also aware of this mod that allegedly fixes it: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3460 but the comments I've seen rating it don't seem particularly promising (mod doesn't work properly after a recent official patch or something?) So im summary, does a fix exist for the magnetism/'arrow snap' bs yet? Thanks folks.
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