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Posts posted by phreespirit316

  1. @ Phreespirit: Heh, your timing couldn't be better, I've just been talking to the AD dev team. We are 90%+ ready for alpha, though I (as the one doing the voice work and scripting) have been struggling for the past week with a persistent dialogue bug - see here if you think you might be able to help.


    I apologize for the lack of updates - I'm more or less the project runner, so it's on me. The only excuse I have is that more of my attention has been on the development of the project rather than PR (I also have a real life to think about, from time to time). That being said, let me give you all a quick run-down of where we're at:




    Introductory quest

    Tracking quest (keeps a marker on Atvir at all times)

    "Call Atvir" companion summon spell

    Full companionship functionality (follow, wait, favorstate, etc.)

    Player assigned home and hang-out spots

    Summon-able/ride-able follower horse

    Does not contribute to follower count

    Fully-voiced conversation topics, combat topics, and random banter topics (appx. 500 lines and counting)

    Fully-polished voice files

    Custom armour and weapon meshes/textures


    As you can see, we're damn close (sodding close, as Atvir would say). I promise that it won't be long now!


    Haha! I've been told often that I have very good timing. Thank you for the explanations and responding back to me!


    Very understandable situations, real life has that pesky ability to keep us busy. I'd love to help but unfortunately I'm no modder by any means.


    Wow! You guys are close! I can't wait to test this out! I'll be watching the forums for your release. :thumbsup:

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