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About lordburnch

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  1. In response to post #54671888. #54672233, #54672443 are all replies on the same post. Gonna have to agree with you as well. It has some awesome concept but could use a little less clutter.
  2. As far as I am aware removing all the carriages at the Hold Capitols around Skyrim would not cause any problems unless you have a mod that affects the carriage drivers AI package. However, if you remove the ones used in any quests like the start of the game and the Thalmor Embassy quest, that would cause a problem. Finally, while remove the carraiges in the base game might not be a problem it would obviously affect any mods that use them. Also I am unaware of any mod that removes them. I hope that helped.
  3. "All hail king of the losers!" -AOE 2 Sorry, to good to pass up. Welcome. Sincerely~ ~Lord Burnch~
  4. In response to post #24565074. They said that they wont...ever.
  5. In response to post #24562194. #24562354, #24562709, #24563084, #24563309, #24563459, #24563644, #24563674, #24563819, #24563864, #24563879 are all replies on the same post. Never thought I would see the day were Dark0ne agreed with Trainwiz. Good sport Trainwiz.
  6. In response to post #23599019. Bethesda has not decided yet f they will use the new pay for system. And if they do, than they can ask Steam to change it. The EULA is for users NOT developers.
  7. In response to post #23598784. AMEN! That jerk who is making a living with that illegal upload of The Ice blade of the Monarch on Steam, used the ability ban my comments warning people that it was uploaded without permission. So that everyone thinks he was the original author all along. It's times like this that wished the Nexus had a news alert every time some uploaded a mod elsewhere, just so that we could get a dozen+ modders over there to report it.
  8. In response to post #23596219. #23596384, #23596664 are all replies on the same post. At the end of the day I think the biggest issue is people who steal and re-upload someone else wok and gets pad for it. That I think is real threat with this style of money for mods. Modding is a hobby. Not a thing for cheap money.
  9. In response to post #23596219. #23596384 is also a reply to the same post. Speaking of theft, there are two mods currently uploaded without permission onto the Workshop. Ice Blade of The Monarch: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=409540494&searchtext= And A Matter of Time: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=409779585&searchtext= This just strengthens my belief that paid for mods will end up destroying the community.
  10. I for one don't like this idea of paying for mods. I do think that some mod authors should have a donation option on their mod page, but I have always considered modding as a hobby and not a career. I myself am a small time modder who simple does it because it's fun and an enjoyable hobby. (Just like taking screenshots! ) I will back the Nexus's decision to keep modding a hobby and nothing else.
  11. That fancy new Skyrim 3 in 1 was hidden by the author for various reasons. But when I uninstalled it (I used the winter file and the lack of crops started to bug me) the snow and everything remained behind! Any ideas?
  12. I am working on a mod which uses adds on to another mod. Unfortunately the resources wont load (Cannot Find Model) If my old memory from Morrowind modding is correct I would need to make the mod I use for the resource a master file, then the new mod would read it as not just a parent file but also a master file. If that is not the case for Skyrim and/or some one has a solution, please tell me.
  13. I was wanting to make a simple music mod for Skyrim, but I don't exactly know how. Anybody?
  14. How do I load more than one master at a time in the CK? It always says: Load aborted more than one master selected, or something like that.
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