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Everything posted by chaosapiant

  1. This is sort of related to patch 1.6. I was using the Darn UI mod, which requries OBSE. After I installed patch 1.6, and the new beta version of OBSE that supports 1.6, the game would crash about 5-6 times every hour. I disabled all mods that required OBSE, and have not had one single crash or noticeable glitch in hours of game time since. So if anyone is having crash issues and using OBSE, you may want to make an "experiment" save, disable all OBSE required mods, and run the game normally and see if the issues go away. It could just be coincidence or an issue on my machine. Also the latest version of OBSE is beta, but that shouldn't affect it too much.
  2. Yea, the leader of Fallout 2's Enclave was president Richardson. The enclave is almost a carbon copy of the combine from Half-life 2. They basically call their leaders "Presidents." Aside from what is in F3 and F2, little is known about them. We don't know if they have one huge base somewhere, or if they operate independantly is small groups. Since they are all called the "Enclave" however, it leads one to believe that we have yet to encounter the real bulk and source of Enclave power.
  3. I agree completely with the above poster. Vista is a great OS, and i've had ZERO issues with it. The trick is knowing how to disable UAC. Running any game from an external hard drive is going to cause much higher load times, and hiccupping during game play. I'd say use the laptop. Or upgrade the old desktop. Or move files from the C drive of the desktop to the external hard drive to create more space. I wouldn't touch Fallout 3 without at least 20 gigs free, so the page file can still do it's job.
  4. I don't think I'm spoiling any of the games story by explaining what these two groups are. The Brotherhood Of Steel is simply a group of militaristic scavengers looking for and hoarding technology and hardware. The Brotherhood in Fallout 3 are a splinter group, and have decided to "fight the good fight" against super mutants and enclaved soldiers. The brotherhood "outcasts" in the game are the actual remants of the Brotherhood of Steel from the first two games. They are the real deal. The Enclave are remnants of the US Government that seek to rebuild the nation at their whim and want to dominate everything. They believe that they are the only pure humans left, and seek to eradicate everyone else. Since it is alluded to that the government was corrupt before the bombs even dropped, it isn't really terrorism to go against the Enclave. If any analogy works, it's more like a revolution. The simple fact is, the Enclave are as amoral as Hitler. They see everyone else the same way Hitler saw the jews: inferior and not worthy of life.
  5. So instead of Oblivion with guns...you want Fallout with swords and magic?
  6. AFAIK, winged twilights don't even work. Only golden saints, gods, and ascended sleepers.
  7. Those are all very good points, and mirror my thoughts exactly. I'd also point out that Cyrodiil is a large "bowl" shaped valley. You can see almost any part of the map from any other part of the map. Morrowind is inverted from this, the mountain is in the middle, not on the sides. Even with MGE and distand land enabled, Red Mountain seems quite a distance away, and not matter where you are standing, you are still only viewing half the map, since the volcano is in the middle. I reckon the main reason I brought this thread up is that a lot of people who bash Oblivion like to refer to it as much smaller that Morrowind, which it isn't. It's probably close to twice the size, thought it doesn't feel like it at all. At least, until Tamriel Rebuilt finishes the whole province....
  8. Those are all very good points, and mirror my thoughts exactly. I'd also point out that Cyrodiil is a large "bowl" shaped valley. You can see almost any part of the map from any other part of the map. Morrowind is inverted from this, the mountain is in the middle, not on the sides. Even with MGE and distand land enabled, Red Mountain seems quite a distance away, and not matter where you are standing, you are still only viewing half the map, since the volcano is in the middle. I reckon the main reason I brought this thread up is that a lot of people who bash Oblivion like to refer to it as much smaller that Morrowind, which it isn't. It's probably close to twice the size, thought it doesn't feel like it at all. At least, until Tamriel Rebuilt finishes the whole province....
  9. I realize about real world sizes, but i'm strictly referring to the in game maps.
  10. I've seen a lot of folks complain about Oblivion being smaller than Morrowind. The truth is, at least from the devs mouths, that Oblivion is 16 sq miles, and Morrowind is roughly 10 square miles. That being said, what is it that makes Morrowind seem so much bigger than Oblivion? I've got my own thoughts, but wanted to get the discussion going.
  11. Easy, Talos Plaza District, Imperial City. My turn: The only dwemer "location" in the game.
  12. I'm using the Race Rebalance Project, which among many things, adds many new races, hair styles and other character creation options.
  13. My current character is based off of RA Salvatore's character "Jarlaxle." He's a dashing rogue type dark elf, with a bald head, a cape, and a wide brimmed hat with a feather in it. His skills are: Blade Marksman Illusion Mysticism Alchemy Speechcraft Mercantile I find the spell schools of Illusion, Mysticism, mixed with the Skeleton key make for a more fun thief than with sneak/security. And I dont' wear armor, since no one can see me unless I want them too. And the cool thing is, basing the character off of the books, he can legimately use and become the leader of every guild without "character conflit of interest." He is an opportunist who simply wants to enjoy life, make money, and sell his skills to the highest bidder, eventually becoming the highest bidder. Fun character!
  14. Oblivion: Umbra Knights of the Nine: Sword of the Crusader Shivering Isles: Dawnfang/Duskfang Of course, the best sword is the sword you enchant yourself.
  15. Assuming it's not a bug or am mod conflict or some other technical error, it could be that the individual you are casting on has some form of spell absorption, reflection, or something else to mitigate the spell effect. Also, if you look in your spells tab, you'll see a percentage of "spell effectiveness." If this is low as well due to low fatigue, low magical prowess, and/or low ability with chosen armor, that could also affect the outcome of the spell.
  16. I now have a fairly high alchemy skill, and the greeting I get from people is funny. Something like "lets brew some potions, you look like quite the alchemist" or something like that. That makes me laugh.
  17. I have seaview castle mod installed, and the Tamriel Immersion Experience. I highly recommend both mods. Anywho, I was riding around Dive Rock with my new horse "Arrowspeed." Arrowspeed is marked as an essential horse like Shadowmere, and doesn't die. I was riding around the upper northeast corner of the map, and low and behold I come up on a HUGE Ogre Colossus!. He was at least 20 or so feet tall. I'm level 11 with a non enchanted steel longsword, and a couple of damage health poisons. I also have a very basic iron bow, iron arrows, and low marksman skill. I load a poisoned arrow and let fly. It hits him, and he comes running towards me. Then right past me, and starts beating the snot out of my horse. So I start hacking at him with my longsword in his...calfs. Yea, his calfs are eye level. We go through this cycle of him wailing on my horse, horse goign unconscious, then him chasing me running circles. Once the horse wakes up, he runs back over to this horse and starts wailing on it again. This goes on for about 20 minutes. Soon, my long swords breaks due to durability hitting zero. Then I unload about 25 iron arrows into his butt...literally. After that, he still has about 25% health. I then start using the very basic "flare" spell you get at the beginning of the game. Mind you, Destruction is not my major, but it's all I had left. I cast this spell so much that Destruction goes up 5 points. He finally falls and takes a tumble down a steep hill. I loot corpse. Overall, the most exhilirating battle i've ever seen!
  18. 1. sweet roll for fimmion...sweet rool for fimmion....suh weeeet roooooooool. 2. I was watchign the two brawlers outside the Imperial Arena, and a random guy (probably from the tamriel travellers mod) walks up and starts talking to Branwen. The argonian keeps swinging and pegging her into the back of her head. My hand to hand went up 5 points.
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