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About bkmorton

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  1. You really are a special kind of stupid. That is all. xx Hahaha, again, you're too funny. Please never leave the forums, we need more people like you. ;D I agree. Observing others taking Internet rage seriously is most amusing. :-)
  2. Give me precision any day! Definitely mouse/keyboard combo.
  3. You really are a special kind of stupid. That is all. xx
  4. ..and then, from earlier... ;) That is all OLD news - the info I have from Steam is more up to date. I actually had contacted Pete WEEKS before those comments when he told me that it unlocks at 12.01 AM your time. So I am sorry, but for now - my previous thread still applies.
  5. Pete doesn't actually control Steam. I have contacted Steam support and they said the countdown applies to all of us. The countdown, if you check, is in PST time, at midnight. I was actually the first person to contact Pete weeks ago to get his sides of the things. I have resent a final message to Steam to clarify whether Pete is right or wrong.
  6. 19 hours is not a few, for me. :P *chuckles* A couple of hours.... Sure. But 19 will be PAINFUL. :P The fact it will be November 11th for me, the fact that console players all across Australia will be playing it but PC gamers will be screwed over, the fact that for all intents and purposes I SHOULD have access to the game.... Will make the wait all through the day and evening until 7pm all the more difficult. I think it has been established by now I am ludicrously fanatical TES gamer. *grins* I haven't, nor won't, be buying CoD or Battlefield., for example. I dislike those type of games, they bore me. Give me an RPG any day, and a Bethesda one beyond all others. I was SO anticipating getting this game at midnight and playing it for 24/7 pumped up on caffeine, lol. And now,,.now I will have to endure 19 painful hours before I can delve in, f*** it.
  7. Yeah, that is why I am angry. I had arranged to be able to play this throughout Friday during the day. I have now wasted a day off work. If I had known I would be unable to play PC Skyrim until 7pm I would have just worked that day. Now instead I am going to have a full day to grind my teeth in frustration. :P I am hoping against hope that somehow I still can unlock it and play ahead of time, like has happened in the past. The curious thing is I have conflicting information still (though I am inclined to believe Robert, the Steam Support techie). Pete Hines responded to my tweet saying "yes, Skyrim PC will unlock Australian local time at midnight".... So who should we trust more??? A Steam Support technician or the marketing head of Bethesda Softworks.... Only one of them is right. Hmmmmm.
  8. No, it has - my steam library is large and I have had games unlock before US versions have. For example, New Vegas (even though the official Australian date was a few days later)... I had it unlocked many hours before the digital Steam version was (even though it uses Steam DRM itself). So it CAN happen, and has. I am VERY annoyed it's not happening this time around, because as a rabid, frothing, fanatical Elder Scrolls fan like myself, the fact it will be 11/11/11 but I won't be able to even play Skyrim until late in the evening will be TORTURE. :P
  9. I have taken a week off work (Starting on the Friday), told my partner, friends and family not to bother contacting me for several days... And have set up my study to be a luxurious Skyrim gaming experience. LOL So no, there is absolutely nothing I have better to be doing on Friday, my schedule was wiped. :P
  10. You don't seem to understand how Steam works, nor the conversation I had with support. I already KNEW what the Steam digital unlock time was before I approached Steam support, I already KNEW it is 1am PST for me, for you, for EVERYONE... I didn't have to ask whether the digital version unlocks at different time zones, because it DOESN'T. Go check the countdown timer. 1 week, 5 days and 23 hours yes? That is 1:00AM PST time (Steam doesn't factor in daylights saving). So that is why all I had to ask support is whether I can unlock a disc version BEFORE the digital version, because I already knew when the digital version unlocks (for me, 7pm). It's really not difficult to grasp, I have no idea why I have to explain these obvious things to you. It's very simple. Go check the countdown timer for Skyrim on Steam. Add that amount of time to whatever date and time you are currently experiencing. That is the EARLIEST you will be able to play PC Skyrim, whether it is a disc or digital version.
  11. Incidentally..... I provided the information that the physical disc version unlocks at the same time as the steam digital version, yes? If you had bothered to actually examine the unlock countdown timer for Skyrim on Steam, you would have determined that regardless of your location it unlocks at 1:00 AM, PST time (factoring in 1 hour from Daylights saving). An apology is not necessary.
  12. He wasn't speaking sense. He made assumptions without understanding the full context (I have provided the full conversation to clarify). In future, think logically: Would I really be flying off the handle if I didn't have proof I knew what I was talking about? Was it reasonable to assume I had posted an EXCERPT from a conversation, and thus enquiring about the full context is a good idea? Pffffffft.
  13. I will try to be civil because granted you didn't actually see all the conversation I had with Steam support but in future when it is obvious that someone has posted just an EXCERPT from a conversation, it's a good idea to at least ENQUIRE about the full conversation first yes before making sweeping assumptions about the context of it? Because the prior conversation I had with Steam support made it clear that the physical retail disc version unlocks at the exact same time as the digital, which is 12.01 AM PST. Here you go: "Thank you for contacting Steam Support. The information on the Steam Storefront is the only available information at this time. A countdown clock is provided on the Skyrim store page linked below which will provide more information on the game's unlock time for your region. Title: Skyrim Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/72850/ Please refer to the Steam News section for the latest news and updates on upcoming Steam titles and content. Steam News http://store.steampowered.com/news/ Thank you for your interest. 3 Message by you on Thu, 27th Oct 2011 5:34 pm Thank you for the response. May I request further elaboration please. Simply: - Does the Unlock Countdown apply to JUST digital versions of Skyrim (purchased on Steam), or does the Unlock Countdown ALSO apply to physical disc versions of Skyrim too? - Will people with physical disc versions of Skyrim be able to play it before the digital version off Steam unlocks? I ask because the digital Steam version of Skyrim unlocks at 7 PM November 11th for me. I need to know whether that massive delay also applies to the physical disc version, because if it does there is obviously no reason for me to attend a midnight launch in Australia and will need to adjust my plans accordingly. Looking forward to your clarification, Kind regards. 4 Message by Support Tech Robert on Fri, 28th Oct 2011 7:12 pm Hello Ben, Skyrim is a Steamworks title. Among other features, this does mean that retail copies of the game, once registered, will unlock at the same time as Steam-purchased copies. You will be able to install the game contents from a disc prior to the game's launch, which can reduce bandwidth usage. However, the unlock time should be simultaneous for both versions. If you have any further questions, please let us know - we will be happy to assist you."
  14. It depends on the game, yes. I have had Steam games available before being released in the US before too. Unfortunately not for Skyrim, it seems. The game I am most anticipating... ever. I AM A SAD PANDA.
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